Bookish Item | It’s Monday, What am I Reading? #2

A little while ago Candyce was looking for a Monday post and came across It’s Monday, Was am I Reading? This meme is hosted by Book Date, and I thought it would be fun to do today. We will be looking at what I read recently, what I’m currently reading and what I will be reading for the rest of the week! Let’s get into it.

I was on a little manga and graphic novel kick last week so Friday I finished Sailor Moon 2, Yona of the Dawn 1, & Fables vol. 3! These were all fast and very enjoyable reads. I can’t wait to continue these series. Yona of the Dawn was a new series for me, and it was exactly what I was hoping for. A little predictable but I’m sure that will change in the next volumes. Sailor Moon was mostly very cute, even though there was a lot of ‘fighting’. And Fables has one of my favorite concepts ever so that one always makes me happy!

I’m currently reading two books. Most of the times, I’m listening to an audiobook and this time around I’m listening to Beauty Queens. I’ve read this one in the past and loved it a lot! The audiobook is a lot of fun, as I was hoping it would be. There is quite some diverse representation in this story, and I totally forgot about that. So happy I decided to do this reread.

The other book I’m reading is for a buddy read. Together with Candyce and a friend of ours we started Dreams of Gods and Monsters. Candyce and I read the first two book about two years ago so this read was way overdue. And when our friend mentioned she was reading the second book, we jumped on doing a buddy read with her. I’m not that far into the story yet and will probably read it for most of the week.

And last but not least, what will I be reading next? My audiobook for Beauty Queens is almost finished so I need to pick another audiobook. I’ve had a bit of trouble picking one out lately, and I have been rereading a lot because of that. In the last three weeks or so I have been listening to Harry Potter (AGAIN) and I will probably listen to the fourth book this week.

I just received a new graphic novel, Jughead: the Hunger vol. 1 and I will probably be reading that this week. The first issue was part of The Archies and Other Stories and I was immediately intrigued. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the volume will be like.

I also plan on reading Tithe. After seeing that some amazing booktubers were hosting a Holly Black read-a-thon I decided it was time to get into that series and later in the year finally read The Cruel Prince. I got the new bind-up edition of the Modern Faerie Tales and plan on reading Tithe so I’m up to date for the next round!

I really hope I can fit all of these in this week! And hopefully I will love Dreams of Gods and Monsters. What are you reading this week? Let me know in the comments.

2 thoughts on “Bookish Item | It’s Monday, What am I Reading? #2

  1. I’ve heard great things about Holly Black but have yet to read anything by her. I need to get on that!

    1. I’ve only read her co-authored series but I haven’t read anything else by het either. Time to jump on the bandwagon 😉

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