Meghan Quinn has become an author that I want to read everything from. Dear Life and One Baby Daddy were both so different, but so good. Her next adventure is The Blue Line Duet. The first book The Upside of Falling is out now and I am here today to tell you what I thought of this book!
Tucked away at the base of the Rocky Mountains lived a little boy with one singular dream: leave this broken and battered home and become someone.
Be somebody’s hero.
That boy was me—Colby Brooks. Except I’m not that same little boy anymore.
My dreams might still be the same, but my reality isn’t.
I’m smarter. Stronger. A man.
And I learned a long damn time ago, the only way to achieve my dreams was to avoid distractions—at any cost.
Focus. Resolve. Determination.
But all it took was one single night. One night and my entire life…changed.
One night had me colliding head first with the biggest distraction of my life; Rory Oaks.
Smart. Charming. Beautiful.
Rory changed everything.
Quickly, my one-track mind started to bend.
Each kiss faded decade-long dreams.
And with one single incident, I fly off course.
Cover I am not a big fan of this cover, except for the line on the top. That definitely fits the book. Both of the characters’ lives were changed after just one night. Sometimes an instant connection will do that. I imagine both characters looking differently though. Once again, the reason why I don’t really like models on covers of books (I know for people who follow the blog longer I sound like a broken record, haha).
Plot The Upside of Falling is like no book I’ve read before! It starts off with a prologue that already made me realize my heart would be broken when done reading. Colby didn’t have a great start at life and it only got worse. I honestly think the author was very smart by putting in the few chapters of Colby at different ages. This made it so much easier to understand the way he was. And why he was fighting for his dream as much as he was. Rory had her own backstory and I loved that there was a character with autism. Characters with different disabilities don’t often get a spot in a book, even as a minor character. I loved Rory’s brother and how good Colby handled this. The Upside of Falling proves that your heart wants what it wants no matter how difficult the situation. When life gets tough, choices have to be made. I loved the letters that they wrote to each other during this book. Actual written letters don’t happen very often in this digital world, but it’s so romantic! Military stories really interest me and I can’t imagine how hard it is to have your love one so far away from you. Near the end of the book, I knew I was about to read something that would be heartbreaking. I was definitely right! Meghan Quinn really surprised me though, because I never expected her to end the book like that!!! I was staring at the last page in shock!! An author has ended books on a hurtful note, but never like that (not ones I have read anyways). I need the second book and I need it now!! Meghan Quinn really outdid herself writing this book.
Characters Rory seems like a woman who has everything going on in her life. We quickly learn that’s not the case. She let a lot of her dreams go and it hurts. I have to say it was very big of her to give everything up for the reason she did. Not a lot of people would, I don’t think. That being said, near the end of the book I started thinking it was unfair. Of course, she loves her brother and wants to be there for him. But it shouldn’t all be up to her. Rory should be able to live her life and find a way to include caring for her brother in that. I really hope that it’s something that’s addressed in the next book. Even though I’m sure it happens in real life as well. That being said, Rory is a very loving person and will do anything to make the ones she loves happy. Colby caught her eye and she just couldn’t let him go. There was quite a connection. In the end, she even broke her own heart to let him live his dream. This made me mad, but I have a feeling the author has a lot in store for us, haha. I think Rory is going to find a way to live her own dreams and include family as well.
Colby is a character you just want to hug after reading the chapters about his childhood! No one should be treated that way at all! If it weren’t for his grandfather I don’t think he would’ve made it. Losing his father at a young age, all he wants is to become a fighter pilot. Colby is determined and a hard worker and won’t let anything get in his way. This is what makes it so hard for him to open up to Rory. He has a feeling it’s going to change his life and he is definitely right. Colby deserved Rory though. I mean, the way his childhood was he deserved so much more love than he got. Being able to completely open up to someone and trust them with your heart wasn’t easy for Colby. I loved how he started opening up though. He realized it was okay to lean on someone and ask to be loved. Love also left him with really difficult decisions. Ones I don’t always agree on, but I can see where he comes from. I really hope that all his dreams come true in the next book. If a character deserves a happily ever after, it’s Colby!
Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped.
Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking.
Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!
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Megahn Quinn did it again!! I can’t wait for The Downside of Love. Have you read anything by Meghan Quinn? What did you think?
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