How I Met My Book #13| Harry Potter House Edition – J.K. Rowling

We were looking for something to post on Sundays when we don’t have anything planned. Then I saw a post on Early Bookish Bird‘s blog and it seemed like the perfect fit. She started #howimetmybook so we’re alternating between #howimetmybook and Down the TBR hole on Sundays from now on! Today I will be posting about how I met my house edition of the first Harry Potter book by J.K. Rowling.

In this post we tell the story behind our books. The following questions will be answered: Where did we get the book? Why did we pick it up? What made us pick it up in the first place?

I was so happy when I first saw the house editions for Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone. All of the hardbacks and paperbacks in this edition are simply gorgeous and at some point I do hope to own all of them haha. I kept coming back to them, put them in my online shopping basket multiple times but I just couldn’t find a good enough excuse for that splurge 🙁 So I put this beautiful Ravenclaw hardback on my wishlist. My house is Ravenclaw so if I could only have one edition, this is the one I wanted most <3

Our friend Kwante hosts a Christmas bookswap every year and I always put wayyyy too many books on my wishlist haha. And last Christmas one of those books was the Ravenclaw hardback. I was so extremely happy to find that book in my gift when I was finally allowed to open it on Christmas morning haha. We also put a bunch of other gifts in there and one of them was that cute wooden Ravenclaw bookmark in the pic. I didn’t read the whole book but I did read the additional parts and it was so so amazing. The second book in the sereis was just announced and I can’t wait to get my hands on the complete collection.

Are you a Potterhead? And do you have any of the house editions? Let me know in the comments!

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