TTT #361| How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time Part 1

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Books I Was Assigned to Read in School. Out here we don’t really get assigned reading, so it’s hard for me to do this topic, so I’m going to do next week’s topic. So today I’m going to talk about how my reading habits have changed over times. I’m not sure I have ten things to talk about, but let’s take a look!

I read more than ever

When I first really started getting back into reading about 8-9 years ago, I was always reading, but no where near to the amount I do now. At the time I read a couple of books a month and now I’m at about 30 books a month.

I listen to audiobooks

For the longest time I didn’t think audiobooks were for me. Until I decided to just give it a go a few years ago. I started listening to them at 1.3x speed and that was fast for me at times. Now I listen at 2.9-3.0x speed. I still can’t listen to all genres. My mind still does wander sometimes, so fantasy books can be harder to keep track of. I have discovered my love for reading and listening to a book a the same time. I read a lot quicker and it adds so much to my reading experience.

I read multiple books at once

A few years ago, I was able to read maybe 1 or 2 books at a time. I often had one book for during my commute to and from work and a physical book to read at home. Now it’s not odd if I read 8-10 books at once. I have buddy reads, a book during my commute to read physically, an audiobook, a book I read at home, and one I read when in bed. I’m still quite surprised I’m able to keep track of all of these stories at once.

I read genres I didn’t expect I would

Fantasy and contemporary (romance) were always my go to choices when it came to reading. Dark romance wasn’t something I ever thought I would enjoy, but some of my favorite books are dark romance. Thrillers and mysteries are also something I’ve come to love.

I’m not good at completing series

Before I read so much in a month or at a time, I was the kind of reader who binged series back to back. That’s something I rarely do these days. Why I don’t know, because I know I enjoy being invested into a series I’m loving. So I’ve even made it a reading goal for myself and track the series I start.


After thinking about it for a while, I don’t think I have any other reading habits that have changed over times. What are some things that you’ve seen change when it comes to reading habits? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!

5 thoughts on “TTT #361| How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time Part 1

  1. I’m not good at completing series either.

    It’s interesting that there weren’t any assigned reads at your school! I wonder how common that is?

  2. I am surprised there wasn’t any assigned reading in your school, but at least you didn’t have to read books that you weren’t interested in like many of us were. I can definitely relate to reading a lot more now than a few days ago, though I could never read more than one book at a time 🙂

    If you’d like to visit, here’s my TTT:

  3. I’m yet to read audiobooks, love that your reading habits has changed for the better 😍

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