One of my reading goals for 2024 is finishing series. It has been one of my most challenging goals every single year but for once I’m making good progress. However, I still need to finish a couple of series to meet this goal for 2024. I have 4 more months to finish at least 2 more series. Let’s take a look at the series I might do that with!
Daughter of Smoke & Bone – Laini Taylor
1 book to go
I actually started listening to the audiobook of this one! The first two books were amazing and I have been wanting to finish the series ever since I read them years ago. Somehow I didn’t read the last book but I really do want to and I’m excited to dive back in.
Something Dark and Holy – Emily A. Duncan
1 book to go
This is another one where I read the first 2 books years ago. I loved the first book and got the next books as soon as they released. Somehow I didn’t pick up the last one right away and now it’s still unread on my shelves. I forgot a lot of details but hopefully they’ll come back to me once I start reading this one.
Izzy O’Neill – Laura Steven
1 book to go
The first book in this duology is one of my favorite contemporary books ever and I did start reading this one when I got it. But I put it down in favor of something else and I never picked it back up. I know I will love this one and I think it will be a pretty fast read so I hope to pick it up soon.
The Mistborn Saga – Brandon Sanderson
1 book to go
I love the Mistborn saga and I can’t believe I still haven’t read the final book in the original trilogy. By now I have read and loved multiple books by Brandon Sanderson and this is another one I know I will love. So hopefully I can dive in soon!
These are a couple of the series I hope to finish soon. Have you read any of these? Which ones should I read first? Let me know in the comments down below!