Bookish Item | 5 Star Predictions

I’m currently reading Fourth Wing and I’m flying through it. It’s super enjoyable and I can easily see this being a 5 star read for me. And that has me wondering, what are some of the books I want to read soon that I’ll think will be 5 star reads? Let’s take a look!

The City of Brass – S.A. Chakraborty

I read The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi last year and really enjoyed it. This only reminded me that I should finally pick up The City of Brass. I’ve heard so many great things about it and it sounds like a book I would enjoy a lot. Combined with the fact that I have now read and loved a book by this author, I think this might be a 5 star read for me.

Dreams of Gods & Monsters – Laini Taylor

I adored the first two books in this series and gave both a 5 star rating. So I have high hopes for this final book in the series. Even though it’s been years since I read the second book and I have forgotten a ton of important details. I would love to finish this series and it would be great to do so this summer!

Assassin’s Apprentice – Robin Hobb

This one has been on my TBR for quite a while now. And I don’t have any specific reason to think this will be a 5 star read, other than that it is at the top of a lot of readers favorite fantasy series ever. So there must be something about this book! I’ve seen a lot of books I loved on lists like it and almost every time this one is mentioned as well. It also sounds like a story I would enjoy so I think this might be a 5 star read for me.

These are 3 books (beside Fourth Wing) that I think will be 5 star read for me. And I would love to read all of these this summer! Have you read any of these? Do you think I will enjoy them? Let me know in the comments down below!

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