Royal Update #213

We thought it was time for a fun new post every week. In the Royal Update one of us updates you about our personal life, bookish news, what we’re reading, watching and listening to and anything else that might apply to this post. We thought it would be fun to share a bit more about our personal lives and hope you think so too!

My life hasn’t been very exciting the last couple of weeks. The weather has been dark and rainy most of the time, so I’ve been spending time at home reading. Last weekend we had our monthly game night with friends. I’m counting down the days the next two weeks, because after that the boyfriend and I have two weeks off of work.

Since my last Royal Update I got three eARCs I’m really excited about! I added The Rule Book, Past Present Future, and Evocation to my Kindle.

Since my last Royal Update I finished reading: The Woman in the Library, Ruthless Vows, Only If You’re Lucky, Main Character Energy, The Love Wager, Do Your Worst, Homerun Proposal, A Fragile Enchantment, The Cheat Sheet, A Sign of Affection Vol. 2, Caught Stealing, and Salt Kiss.

I’m currently reading: Hate, Spells for Forgetting, Cleat Cute, House of Flame and Shadow, and Bride.

Next I’ll be reading: Faebound, Tress of the Emerald Sea, Love Redesigned, and Liar.

The boyfriend went to play games with friends last weekend and I had a movie night with my mother. We finally watched Mama Mia! Here We Go Again. I really enjoyed it.

I’ve been listening to the Daily Mix I talked about in my last Royal Update, but I’ve also been listening to Taylor Swift.

So that’s my Royal Update for this week! How have you been? Have you read or watched anything amazing lately? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

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