5 On My TBR | Set in a Foreign Country

As I’ve mentioned before, one of my important reading goals of 2023 is shrinking my physical TBR. Sometimes it’s hard to think of what books I still have or subjects I want to read about. So we needed a way to keep track of this. 5 On My TBR is a way of keeping track. This is a meme hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. Every week there’s a different prompt for five on my TBR.

This week’s topic is Set in a Foreign Country. I don’t read that many books set in the Netherlands, usually the setting is the UK or the USA. This of course applies to books that don’t have a fantasy or sci-fi setting ;). So I wanted to pick books set in countries that aren’t the Netherlands, the UK or the USA. Let’s see if I have any on my shelves!

1. The Lights of Prague – Nicole Jarvis

I got this book a while ago and was definitely drawn to it because of the cover and the title. The fact that this was set in Prague was one of the things that convinced me to get this book. I have been to Prague and really enjoyed it there, I thought it would be cool to read a book that was set there. The synopsis also sounds really good so I hope to pick this up pretty soon.

2. Enchantée – Gita Trelease

I’ll admit I got this one back when I was still hoarding a lot of books haha. And if I’m compeltely honest I don’t think I would’ve bought it now. I do love that this is set in Paris and in a historical setting. Paris is a favorite place of mine and France history is super interesting. The synopsis sounds interesting enough but I don’t read that much YA anymore and I’m not sure this will be one I would enjoy.

3. Wildcard – Marie Lu

This is one I would like to read soon actually! It has been on a ton of TBR lists the past year haha. I could use this one to cross another series off my list haha. Also, I was pleasantly surprised by the first book in this duology that I honestly bought because of the gorgeous naked hardcover.

4. The City of Brass – S.A. Chakraborty

Another one I would love to read soon! I adored The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by the same author and that made me want to read this one even more. The synopsis sounds great and I have seen so many amazing reviews. I have really high hopes for this one!

5. Origin – Dan Brown

I kind of forgot I had this one on my TBR to be honest. There was a time I read all the Dan Brown books and really enjoyed them. I do still want to read this one but I’ll admit it doesn’t have the highest priority. The previous book in the series had a cool ending in my opinion so I am somewhat curious about this one. It might be a good book to take with me on a holiday.

These were 5 books on my TBR that are set in a foreign country. And while I don’t live in the UK or the USA I didn’t want those as a setting either since most books I read are set there. Have you read any of these books? Would you recommend them? Let me know in the comments down below!

2 thoughts on “5 On My TBR | Set in a Foreign Country

  1. You should 100% start with City of Brass!!
    The glowing reviews aren’t lying, it’s absolutely brilliant 🙂 It’s YA, but in a good way. Some of the characters are young, and there is no spice; but the rest of it is adult: complex political intrigue, great world-building, and the writing is gorgeous too!
    Happy reading <3

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