TTT #318 | Books Set In Boarding Schools I Want to Read Part 2

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is a Freebie. So I decided to do a part 2 to Candyce’s post last week. Her topic was Books Set in X and she went with Books Set in Boarding Schools. I love that setting a lot so I wanted to share the ones I wanted to read as well. Let’s jump in!

1. Red Sister – Mark Lawrence

This first one is a bit of a questionmark right away haha. Red Sister is set at the Convent of Sweet Mercy and that isn’t really a boarding school. But in my mind it still counts as it is similar enough in the way that matters to me. I really want to read this one and have heard so many great things about it.

2. Give the Dark My Love – Beth Revis

This one isn’t as popular but I think I will love Give the Dark My Love a lot. It’s a pretty dark book and the main character might also be the villain? I can’t wait to find out and I’m really excited to dive into this one.

3. Skyward – Brandon Sanderson

This is a popular one! I have loved all the Brandon Sanderson books I’ve read so far and I have high hopes for this one as well. But I think I will first read all the books in the Cosmere universe I own so far. Or at least in the Mistborn series. After that comes this one!

4. Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow – Jessica Townsend

I loved the first two Morrigan Crow books a lot and I can’t believe I still haven’t read this one. This is a book with a magical boarding school setting just like I imagine it when I think of that trope. It’s a really fun, magical MG series and the sequel should be released in 2024.

5. Every Exquisite Thing – Laura Steven

I love Laura Steven and I’m really curious about this one. She has started to write some darker books and this one is inspired by the Picture of Dorian Gray. I can’t wait to see what she does with that story and I hope to read this one really soon.

6. Their Vicious Games – Joelle Wellington

More private school than boarding school but I’m counting it anyway! I really like mystery/thriller books like this one and the reviews are pretty positive. It’s described as Ace of Spades meets Squid Game with a sprinkling of The Bachelor so you can sign me up for this one!

7. Fourth Wing – Rebecca Yarros

I don’t think I have to say much about this one. Rebecca Yarros is on my list of authors to try and what better book to do so with than this one. Everyone seemed to love Fourth Wing and I’m excited to see how I feel about it.

8. They’re Watching You – Chelsea Ichaso

Another mystery/thriller set at a boarding school. I basically don’t need to know anything else as I love this setting. The reviews are all over the place and I think this is one I just need to try for myself. I don’t want to read too much from the reviews as it does get spoilery easily with mystery/thrillers.

9. Youngblood – Sasha Laurens

Vampire Diaries meets Dark Academia at this elite vampire-only boarding school. Basically all the things I love in a YA fantasy. This one has reviews all over the place as well so once again I’m really curious to see where I fall on that spectrum.

10. Lost Stars – Jasmine Jenkins & Sophie Suliman

This is about triplets and a sort of magical academy. It’s a new adult fantasy romance and the series is called Wicked Academia. I think the wicked part in that is important because there seem to be some morally grey characters, something I love!

These are 10 books set in boarding schools I would love to read. The first 5 I already own so I hope to read those soonish. And the other 5 are on my Goodreads TBR, so those will probably take me longer to get to. Have you read any of these? Which one would you recommend I start with? Let me know in the comments!

8 thoughts on “TTT #318 | Books Set In Boarding Schools I Want to Read Part 2

  1. Ooh I just got They’re Watching You recently, had no idea the reviews were mixed. I’ve also got Every Exquisite Thing on my TBR. I hope you enjoy these!
    Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #449My Profile

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