It’s hard to believe it’s going to be February 1st on Monday. January normally takes forever to be over, but not this year! I may have not completely stuck to my TBR this month, but I’m looking forward to talking about the books I plan on reading next month. Keep on reading for my February TBR!
Group Reads
I always enjoy reading with a group or buddy reads! This month is packed as you can see. There are just a lot of reads going on that I’m really interested in or helping to host. At least I know I’ll be reading 10 books, haha.
Bringing Down the Duke & A Rogue of One’s Own – Evie Dunmore
I’ve had Bringing Down the Duke on my shelf for a year, but still haven’t read it yet. A Rogue of One’s Own is the sequel that released last year. Historical fiction is something I really want to read more of and with this group read hosted in TBR and Beyond it’s the perfect time to start.
Legendborn – Tracy Deonn
Look at this stunning cover! Also, I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about Legendborn. Illumicrate actually had this as a surprise book in a box and now I’m excited to sit down and give it a go!
One to Watch – Kate Stayman-London
I actually bought this for a readathon last summer, but I didn’t end up getting around to reading One to Watch. A Bachelor like show and a plus size main character. This book sounds like it’s going to be like a lot of fun.
All Systems Red – Martha Wells
All Systems Red was on the same TBR as One to Watch, so it’s good to get to both of them next month. Another group read to motivate me. This book is less than 200 pages, so it shouldn’t take me too long to read.
Across the Green Grass Fields – Seanan McGuire
The Wayward Children series was such a pleasant surprise for me last year and I was so excited that this was being released. Across the Green Grass Fields only released this month, but I don’t want to wait. Again, this is less than 200 pages, so a quick read!
A Dash of Trouble – Anna Meriano
Imagine finding out your mother, aunt and older sisters are witches and that you are as well. Our main character is determined to show her family she can help even if they don’t think she’s ready yet. It’s clear that this probably won’t go as planned, but sounds like such a fun middle grade book.
Cemetery Boys – Aiden Thomas
Cemetery Boys was actually on my TBR in January, but when a group of bloggers I chat with on Twitter decided to do a group read in February, I decided to move this one to this month. I’m so excited to read and discuss this one.
Rivers of London – Ben Aaronovitch
Again, a member of that same group is a huge fan of this series. I’ve seen it around a few times and it has caught my attention. I haven’t read many books like this one, but I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy it.
Octavia Bloom and the Missing Key – Estelle Grace Tudor
Before the Middle Grade Marvels added this one to their monthly poll for the new middle grade read I hadn’t heard of this one. This sounds like a fun middle grade adventure and it’s not long at all! I’m really curious about this one.
Blog Tours
Even though I promised myself I would try and not do as many blog tours, it didn’t work out that way. These all sounded so amazing! I’m hoping to read most of if not all of these books as soon as possible.
White Trash Warlock – David R. Slayton
I actually saw this one around awhile ago, so when it popped up as a possible blog tour I could sign up for I was curious. This book apparently has a lot of Supernatural vibes and that’s always a good thing. The author was really sweet and sent me a physical copy for the tour. My review will be up at the beginning of the month.
Branded by a Song – LJ Evans
LJ Evans is one of my favorite authors and I’ve been so excited for Branded by a Song. She always writes longer books as well and I know it’s still going to feel way too short. My review will be online next week.
Hot British Boyfriend – Kristy Boyce
As a contemporary lover this one was definitely on my radar when it comes to 2021 releases! I’m so excited about it and look at this cute cover. I have a feeling I’m going to fly through this one.
The Gilded Ones – Namina Forna
Another stunning cover and the storyline sounds so interesting. Having blood that flows gold instead of red is definitely different. The Gilded Ones is going to be an interesting adventure.
Of Silver and Shadow – Jennifer Gruenke
Books with magic, rebellion and political tension are always something that will appeal to me. Of Silver and Shadow is a bigger book, but I’m looking forward to diving in. Hopefully it’ll be an amazing ride!
Bad Habits – Flynn Meaney
This was a book that caught my attention with its colorful cover. A few bloggers I know started this one and have loved it so far. Apparently it’s made them laugh out loud. And a school deciding to do The Vagina Monologues. We all know that’s going to be interesting.
Isoldesse – Kimberly Grymes
I have to say the cover is the first thing that caught my eye when it comes to Isoldesse. I’ve been wanting to read more science fiction, so I figured why not give this one a try?!? I’ve seen physical ARCs of this book and they’re stunning. Hopefully the story is just as amazing!
Backlist Books
As I said last month and talked about in my reading goals, I’m determined to read at least 4 backlist books a month. January was a great start and I’ve already read 10 backlist books. I only read one off my TBR last month, so I’m going to take those with me this month and add two others.
The Bookworm Crush – Lisa Brown Roberts
This is one I’m taking with me from last month. I’m still really looking forward to it. I finally got The Replacement Crush (the book before this one) and I’m hoping to read that one as well. They both sound like books perfect for me.
What I Like About You – Marisa Kanter
Another one from last month that I didn’t get to, but that’s still really high on my want to read list. So I’m going to give it another go in February. I’m determined to read this, because it sounds like just what I’m looking for at the moment.
The Game – Linsey Miller
To feed my love of mysteries/thrillers I’m going to read The Game. This one was on my wishlist for the Halloween swap last year and I was so excited to receive it. The Game is a shorter book, so I shouldn’t have a problem flying through it.
Scared Little Rabbits – A.V. Geiger
Another mystery/thriller and by an author that I previously loved. I’ve heard some mixed reviews about Scared Little Rabbits, but I still want to give it a go!
The Iron Flower – Laurie Forest
The Black Witch is a book I loved and even more so the second time around. I actually started The Iron Flower and am already over 100 pages in. This is a series I really want to focus on this year, so I’m putting it on my TBR to motivate me more and don’t forget.
Every month my TBR is often flipped upside down, because of buddyreads. This isn’t a bad thing, because I really enjoy reading books with someone. It’s always fun to talk about them as we read. Isabelle and I are also using them to get a tackle on our backlists, because we have a lot of the same books.
Five Dark Fates – Kendare Blake
Isabelle and I both only have this last book of the Three Dark Crowns series to go to be done. I’ve loved all of the books so far and really want to know how it all ends. The world, characters and story are all so interesting.
The Good Girls – Claire Eliza Bartlett
This is a book I only recently got, but am so excited about. Isabelle has it as well and we knew we needed to buddyread it. She actually already started this one and enjoyed what she’s read so far. I’m so excited about this one.
Obsidian – Jennifer L. Armentrout
Obsidian was a buddyread for January, but my buddy needed a bit more time, so we’re starting it in February. After reading the third book in the Origin series I’m really excited to go back to this one. I’m really wondering how much I forgot, because I think it’s a lot!
I actually didn’t do a re-read in January. That was supposed to be Obsidian, but that was pushed to this month. This is a goal I really want to work on, so I will choose a book to read again.
A Study in Charlotte – Brittany Cavallaro
I read this quite a few years ago, but I really want to continue with the series. A Study in Charlotte isn’t a big book, so I know it’ll be another fast read. I have a feeling I’ve forgotten a lot and I’m excited to be able to read the next three books.
I know this month’s TBR is going to be way too ambitious. January didn’t start off as planned, so I know my reading won’t always work the way I hope. Have you read any of these books? Let me know what you thought if you have. Also, what do you plan on reading in February? I’d love to hear from you.
What a great list! I hope you get through them all. I read One To Watch and What I Like About You last year. I really enjoyed both of them. I hope you do too!
So many great books here! I hope you enjoy Murderbot that series is one of my faves! I’m on the Of Silver and Shadow tour too 🥰!
I really loved Bad Habits – it made me laugh so much. Looking forward to reading Cemetery Boys with you 😀
I’m happy to hear you loved it! And I’m so excited about reading Cemetery Boys.
I’m super curious about White Trash Warlock – hope you enjoy it. I have Legendborn that I’d like to read next month as well.
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…No Local Tourist for Me…but A Book Question for You!
I hope we both enjoy Legendborn!