Tag | Pre Netflix Grishaverse Tag

A while ago it was announced that the wonderful Grishaverse was coming to Netflix! And hopefully you all know by now how much I adore the Grishaverse. So naturally I can’t wait to see the Netflix adaptation. It’s going to be so interesting to see how they bring both the original trilogy and the Six of Crows duology to the screen and I just can’t wait. I came across this Pre Netflix Grishaverse Tag and thought it would be fun to do this one myself to tie me over until we get more news <3

Nina better be plus sized – a book with fantastic fat-rep

I haven’t read nearly enough books with great fat-rep and I honestly had to look up a list before answering this questions. And while I did more books on that list than I initially thought, I wouldn’t call the fat-rep ‘great’ in all of them. I didn’t even remember it in most of them. The one I actually remember for the fat-rep AND enjoyed was The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli. But please give me some reccs in the comments!

MALINA is not my OTP – a book where you couldn’t get behind the romance 

Hahaha, this one really made me giggle! I really dislike MALINA so yay for this prompt. But I have to say, it’s pretty hard to think of another one. I think Shatter Me is a book where I hated the romance. Luckily that changed in the rest of the books, but that first pairing was awful to me!

The Darkling isn’t dead – a book in which you connected with the villain

I need more books with villains like The Darkling! He is missed! I really liked the ‘villain’ in the Wrath and the Dawn. Oh! And of course I loved the ‘villain’ in Illuminae. One of my favorites ever.

Don’t you dare whitewash! – a book to movie/tv adaptation where character’s ethnicity were respected

This is a hard one, I can honestly only think of Crazy Rich Asians. And I have to admit I still need to see that one! I really enjoyed the book and I’m sure I will love the movie.

The King of Scars – a book by a beloved author you’re super excited about

SO MANY! I’m obviously looking forward to Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo <3 but also Five Dark Fates by Kendare Blake and Tunnel of Bones by V.E. Schwab.

Inej & Kaz – fancast your favorites

I’m expecting some newer actors for this series actually. So I probably haven’t heard of them yet haha. I do have a gorgeous Inej, although she is a model so I’m not sure she can act haha. This is Neelam Gill and she has the perfect look for Inej in my opinion.

I’m not even going to find a Kaz Brekker, I’ve been browsing actors and I just can’t seem to find anyone that looks perfect haha. Let’s hope they find someone that will do 😉

No Mourners, No Funerals – a book quote that has stuck with you

Every locked door has a key. Every problem has a solution

This Warcross quote is one of my favorite things ever and it’s high on my list of possible tattoos!

So this was the Pre Netflix Grishaverse tag! I adore these books and I really hope they will make it one hell of a tv show! Do you have a good fancast for Kaz? Let me know in the comments!

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