Review| White Hot Kiss – Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of my favorite authors and I’ve read almost all of her books. About five years ago I read The Dark Elements, but only had them as e-books. I personally didn’t like the covers at all! This year they all got a cover change before the first book in the spin-off series was released.

I knew I needed these covers and felt that a reread was a good start before diving into the spin-off. White Hot Kiss is the first book in this trilogy and today I want to tell you what I thought about this book!

“People with the purest souls are capable of the greatest evils.”

White Hot Kiss was a fun book the first time around, but I seemed to enjoy it just a little bit more the second time. It’s been five years since I read this one and I was surprised by how much I had forgotten. Or I remembered certain events happening sooner or later in the trilogy. It’s fun how your memory works when you read so much, haha.

In White Hot Kiss we follow our main character Layla. She is half demon and half gargoyle and is having a hard time finding her place in this world. The gargoyles that took her in care for her, but it’s clear that don’t see her as one of them. All Layla wants is a “normal” life and high school has been a place she can be a bit more herself.

Strange things start happening to Layla and constantly being attacked isn’t something she bargained for. It’s clear there’s more to her story than anybody is telling her and this is making her so confused. Add a crush on someone she can never have (seeing how a kiss could take his soul), Layla’s life is pretty complicated.

“I lost myself the moment I found you.”

During White Hot Kiss we start to find out more about Layla’s past and why things suddenly start changing. Mix this up with a lot of action, lots of humor, awesome friends and a zombie in her school’s basement and you’ve got White Hot Kiss. One thing I love about this author is that you always know you’re going to laugh out loud, love the characters and it’s definitely a roller coaster ride.

On top of all that, we meet Roth. He’s a demon, definitely a bad boy and Layla is attracted to him. I loved Roth. He’s very macho, but there is a side to him he doesn’t even expect of himself. Out of all the characters, this is the one that made me laugh the most. Add a big snake called Bambi and some demonic kittens and that’s all you really need to know about him. Well, there’s a lot more, but I don’t want to spoil anything!

“There has to be good and bad in the world. There has to be a choice.”

Besides all the action and Layla discovering her heritage, there is definitely some romance. In a way there is a bit of a love triangle. Layla has always had feelings for Zayne, but Roth is definitely making her confused. In my opinion, we don’t see a lot of Zayne in this book to really make a decision on who she should be with, but I did like him in this book.

Okay, this review is kind of all over the place, but I don’t want to say too much about this story. All I can say is if you love books with amazing characters and lots of humor, White Hot Kiss is a book for you! I couldn’t put it down and will definitely be doing a reread of the other two books in this trilogy soon!

This author has written so many books, but I think my all time favorite will be the LUX series. If you’ve read anything by this author, let me know in the comments what book/series you love the most!

2 thoughts on “Review| White Hot Kiss – Jennifer L. Armentrout

    1. Yes, the new covers are amazing! I get that Zayne annoyed some people, haha.

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