Bookish Item | Book Beginnings on Friday – Senlin Ascends – Josiah Bancroft

Book Beginnings on Friday isn’t a prompt I’ve done before, but Candyce did it a couple of times and it looked really interesting. This meme was created by Rose City Reader.

The idea is to post the first sentence or so of the book you’re currently reading. After that you talk about your initial thoughts about the sentence, book or anything to do with that. I don’t know how often I will do this, but it seems like fun from time to time.

As you may have seen on our Insta-stories I started a buddy-read with my friend Melissa this Wednesday. We’re reading Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft, a book you might recognize from my adult fantasy TBR! Let’s take a look!

It was a four-day journey by train from the coast to the desert where the Tower of Babel rose like a tusk from the jaw of the earth. First, they had crossed pastureland, spotted with fattening cattle and charmless hamlets, and then their train had climbed through a range of snow-veined mountains here condors roosted in nests large as haystacks.

I decided to go for the first two sentences, rather than just the first one. Simply, because I think this way it’s easier to illustrate my feelings right at the start of this book. As you may have read I want to read some more adult fantasy novels. I have quite a lot of them in my collection but most of them are still unread. And that’s such a shame! So when Melissa told me she recently got Senlin Ascends, we decided we wanted to do a buddy read right away!

The premise of this book sounds amazing, although I haven’t read the synopsis in quite a while. All I know is we follow a guy who’s lost his wife while traveling to the Tower of Babel. From these first two sentences I get the idea we will get a lot of descriptions. I think the world building will be great but it might also make for a bit of a slower read.

The cover looks really cool and I’ve always been fascinated by the Tower of Babel story in the Bible. I’m very excited to read this one and hopefully it can live up to the expectations. The book used to be an indie published one but recently got picked up by Orbit! I love this fact and it makes me more confident this will be a great read.

Hopefully the slower writing style won’t lower my reader satisfaction. But I usually don’t mind that at all. From what I’ve read so far, I’m pretty sure I’ll want to buy the next two books in the series right away! Have you read this book? Or do you plan on reading it? Let me know in the comments!

One thought on “Bookish Item | Book Beginnings on Friday – Senlin Ascends – Josiah Bancroft

  1. haha yeah well, as you know I’m reading it as well atm. I’m a bit behind to on our schedule so I hope to get back on track today. I really like these kind of memes in which people share the first sentence or paragraph. It gives a but more insight in the book when you can read a bit of it – I do this in the bookshop as well sometimes to get a feel on the writing if I’m not sure yet if I want to buy it or not. Sometimes, the synopsis just isn’t enough haha.
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