Bookish Item | Adult Fantasy TBR

I mentioned this in our March bookhaul and wanted to talk about it a little more. This year I would like to read some more adult fantasy. So today I want to share a portion of my Adult Fantasy TBR with you all. Recently I have acquired quite the collection so I hope you all can help me decide which books to focus on first. Let’s take a look at those books!

Brandon Sanderson – Warbreaker

I currently own 9 Brandon Sanderson books! And I have only read 3, and those were all YA. So it is time for me to finally pick up another Brandon Sanderson book. And I think I want to start with Warbreaker. I thought this was a standalone but apparently people have been waiting on the sequel forever. It’s going to be a couple of years before that happens but I think this will still be a very enjoyable story. Brandon Sanderson always creates such cool magic systems and I can’t wait to be emerged in this one and discover how it all works.

Red Sister – Mark Lawrence

I got this one for Christmas after hearing everyone raving about it so much. ‘Nun assassins’ seems to be the selling point for this one and I have to agree on that being an instant buy. I don’t really know anything apart from the murderous nuns but I am super excited to pick it up. A lot of trusted reviewers really love this series and I think I have the same reading taste as them. Also, I got a pretty cool cover for this one and I hope to get the rest of the series in the same edition.

Kings of the Wyld – Nicholas Eames

This was a birthday present from my brother and my uncle this year. I heard some really good things about Kings of the Wyld on Booktube and put it on my wishlist right away. And since Candyce’s boyfriend kept talking about it for about an hour I really want to know what that was all about haha. He really enjoyed this one and the sequel and that got me super excited. I like that the main characters are a lot older than I’m used to!

Selin Ascends – Josiah Bancroft

I heard about this one quite a while ago and finally added it to my collecting after getting it for my birthday. The concept of this book sounds super cool. It used to be an indie book but it got picked up by Orbit. I’d say that shows that this is a really great book and I can believe it took me this long to get it. The story is based on the tower of Babel and I have never seen that used in a story before.

The Lies of Locke Lamora – Scott Lynch

The title is what drew me first in. I have had this one for a while now but have been intimidated by it’s size. And to be honest, that is the case for most of the books on this list haha. I’m not completely sure what this book is about but it supposedly has Ocean’s Eleven vibes and that is one of my favorite movies ever. Somehow I have hyped this book up to myself and I really hope it will live up to my expectations.

The Wise Man’s Fear – Patrick Rothfuss

I read The Name of the Wind 3 years ago and I need to pick up this one before I forget everything about the first book. The Name of the Wind was such a different book than I was expecting to read and now I’m not sure what to expect of the sequel haha. Also, I have the mass market paperback edition and that has over 1100 pages. I am way ahead with my reading challenge so it would be easy to devote some time to this one, but I have to admit I am scared haha. Also, after this one I have to join in on the incredibly long wait for book 3.

These are not all of the adult fantasy books I own, but I would say these are probably the ones I’m most excited about! I haven’t read that many adult fantasy books yet but I feel like I need to broaden my horizon a bit. And these all sound amazing! Have you read any of these? Let me know what you thought about them in the comments!

9 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Adult Fantasy TBR

    1. Yeah they are HUGE! And we have yet to hear anything about a release date for the third book so to be honest I’m not in a hurry haha.

  1. I haven’t read any of these. I haven’t read enough fantasy. I love Robin Hobb and once I eventually get through my tbr I’ll find more. There’s an Ursula Le Guin on mytbr

    1. Oh I totally forgot about Robin Hobb! I have one of her novels on my shelves. It supposed to be really good!

  2. That’s a nice tbr. I read The lies of Locke Lamora in February and I loved it so, so much! Red sister is also on my tbr and hope to read very soon!

    1. Thank you! Good to hear you liked The Lies of Locke Lamora! Hopefully we both love Red Sister, I’ve heard nothing but praise

    1. You’re welcome! I hope we both enjoy Kings of the Wyld!

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