TTT #37 | Non-Fiction Books On My TBR

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since last January Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

The actual theme for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday was books with sensory memories, I had written my post but just was satisfied with it at all. So I decided to delete the whole thing and write a new post this morning. While I was listening to my current audiobook, a non-fiction book(!) I thought it would be fun to talk about the non fiction books on my tbr. One of my reading goals this year was reading 4 non-fiction books and I almost finished my second. So I might actually meet this goal, but what books will I read next? Let’s take a look at the books I would like to read.

1.Quiet – Susan Cain

This is actually the one I’m currently listening to. It’s about being introverted in a world where extraversion seems the ideal. I’m pretty introverted myself so I’m always interested in books about that area of psychology. This one has been on my TBR for a while, I bought it somewhere in 2015 I believe. Audiobooks are really a lifesaver and I’m happy I got back into reading this one.

2.Game of Thrones Psychology: The Mind is Dark and Full of Terrors – Travis Langley

I love reading about psychology, there’s a reason I studied it haha. And this book combines my love for psychology with my inner fangirl. The book looks at Game of Thrones and applies psychology or tries to explains certain events or characters with psychology. There are quite some books by this author with the same theme, so if I love this one I’ll definitely get more. I would love to get the Wonder Woman and the Supernatural ones asap.

3. The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World – Jenn Granneman

Another introvert book! I did start reading this the moment I got it and really enjoyed reading it. Unfortunately I put it down in favor of another book and haven’t picked it up since. I will read it at some point and am pretty excited to see how it differs from Quiet, the other introversion book.

4. Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories – Rob Brotherton

This psychology book is about conspiracy theories, and namely why people believe in them. I think this sounds super interesting and hope this is a compelling read. While I’m really interested in most psychology topics it sometimes is written in a way that’s so dry and difficult to read through. Hopefully I found a couple of good ones.

5. Mindwise: How We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want – Nicholas Epley

I own this one in Dutch and think it looks a bit more appealing haha. That’s probably the reason I picked it up in the first place. Mindwise is about understanding other people and the mistakes we make in thinking we know what other think, believe, feel, and want. This sounds super interesting to me and think it might be book that could benefit a lot of people.

6. The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry – Jon Ronson

I’m pretty excited about this one. From what I gathered in reviews I don’t think it’s a super informative book in the sense that you’ll learn a lot about psychopaths. However I get a feeling it might be pretty funny to read and I believe it might be a compelling read.

7. Can You Solve My Problems?: A Casebook of Ingenious, Perplexing, and Totally Satisfying Puzzles – Alex Bellos

I LOVE puzzles and the moment I saw this book in a cute bookstore in Antwerpen I knew I had to get it. There are 125 brainteasers in this one, and while they’ll probably be pretty hard I know I will love trying to solve them. This might be one I’ll read multiple times, just to see if I can remember the solutions.

8. The Pigs That Wants to Be Eaten: 100 Experiments for the Armchair Philosopher – Julian Baggini

I own this one as long as I own Quiet, it was a buy 2 get 1 half price deal at Waterstones haha. From what I can remember I did read a couple of these thought experiments but not too many for sure. This might be a fun book to read with someone else so we can discuss those thought experiments right away.

9. The Little Book of Astrology – Marion Williamson

I’ve always been interested in Astrology so this looked like a fun little book to own. It might not be one I’ll read in one go but rather pick up from time to time. I hope this is mainly a fun book that’s written fairly easily. We shall see!

10. The Island of the Colorblind – Oliver Sacks

I’m not sure if I’ll like this one but I got it from a friend and want to give it a try at some point. It’s about neurological diseases on a couple of islands. Sounds pretty interesting but the reviews don’t look to great. I will give it a try but if I don’t enjoy the first couple of chapters I’ll probably get rid of it haha.

Did you read any of these non-fiction books? Or do you have any recommendations for me? Please let me know in the comments!

4 thoughts on “TTT #37 | Non-Fiction Books On My TBR

  1. I did the same thing actually. I didn’t like my initial post, deleted it and decided to skip the topic, then changed my mind and had to try and remember what books I had picked again. Ergh. Anyway… Quiet is a book I’ve wanted to read for a while as well. I should try to get to it this year. And the astrology one looks interesting too!
    Greg recently posted…Top Ten Books With Sensory Reading MemoriesMy Profile

    1. Haha, I’m happy I wasn’t the only one! Finished Quiet the other day and really enjoyed it. Hope you pick it up this year!

    1. Thank you! I looked at a couple of pages and it looked so interesting!

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