We thought it was time for a fun new post every week. In the Royal Update one of us updates you about our personal life, bookish news, what we’re reading, watching and listening to and anything else that might apply to this post. We thought it would be fun to share a bit more about our personal lives and hope you think so too!
Last week I had to start working again. Today the kids are coming back to school, so last week I had to go to school and make sure my classroom was ready for the kids to start school. I had to do so much more than I anticipated and I spend a LOT of time in my classroom last week. For the most part I’m happy with how everything looks and I’m excited to get back to work. But I’m also a bit nervous haha.
This past weekend I had one more fun thing to do before work start, I went to another concert. I got to see Noah Kahan live and it was amazing! He is such an incredible artist and I loved the concert. I also tried to do some self care so I got a treatment for my skin and I went to the hairdresser. This past weekend I also had to just rest, because I was extremely tired from that first week of work. Hopefully it won’t be as bad this week haha.
After finishing The Ashes & The Star-Cursed King I mostly spend my time reading fanfiction. But I also started a new audiobook; Dreams of Gods and Monsters, the final book in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone series. After that one I think I will start Apprentice to the Villain.
After finishing my Veronica Mars rewatch, I started rewatching Good Girls. And last week I saw that Nashville was on Prime and since I never finished that show, I decided to jump back into that one as well. I have a little over a season to go and I’m really enjoying it.
Since I was going to the concert last Saturday, I obviously had to listen to Noah Kahan on repeat. I was already able to sing a long most of the songs that had been on the tentative setlist but I love listening to those songs beforehand so I’m fully prepared haha.
That was my Royal Update for the week! What have you been reading and listening to? I would love to hear from you in the comments down below!