Down the TBR Hole #131

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last Down the TBR Hole post and I have taken two books off my want to read shelf since then. I’m definitely making progress!

Down the TBR Hole was originally created over at Lost in a Story. This meme is now being hosted by Jody from I’m Into Books. It looked like a fun and productive way to finally make a dent in that Goodreads TBR. I went through my want-to-read shelf a little while ago but I think I was still to kind on a lot of books. Let’s see what I’ll make of it this time around. I decided to go with 10 books at a time so lets get started!

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20, if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Keep track of where you left off so you can pick up there next week!

Current “to-read” shelf: 660 (my last post ended at 662. So that’s two less books than at the end of the last post.)

Before I Let Go – Marieke Nijkamp

Goodbye Days – Jeff Zentner

Before She Ignites – Jodie Meadows

The Glass Spare – Lauren DeStefano

Defy the Stars – Claudia Gray

Renegades – Marissa Meyer

The Perfectionists – Sara Shepard

Noteworthy – Riley Redgate

Zenn Diagram – Wendy Brant

Dating You/Hating You – Christina Lauren


As you can see I actually kept quite a few this round, but that’s mostly because I have them physically on my shelves. I’m working on reading backlist books and I have to say I’m looking forward to giving these a try.

Removal Percentage: 40%
Current “to-read” shelf: 656

So that’s another Down the TBR Hole post and I kept more than I have the last few posts, but that’s okay! Have you read any of these? Which book should  I give a try first? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

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