Royal Update #113

We thought it was time for a fun new post every week. In the Royal Update one of us updates you about our personal life, bookish news, what we’re reading, watching and listening to and anything else that might apply to this post. We thought it would be fun to share a bit more about our personal lives and hope you think so too!

I think these will finally start to be a bit more interesting haha. Last week I went out to a pub with friends from my studies, we loved catching up and it was great being out again. I had drinks with friends and we played Settlers of Catan on the weekend. And I went to the Zoo with a friend and her kid. So all in all I’ve been doing more fun things and I’m so happy about it. I’m in the home stretch of my studies, hope to be finished in 2 months and than it’s more fun stuff!!

One new eARC and a very very very exciting one! Gallant by V.E. Schwab, one of my favorite authors and a very highly anticipated release.

I finished All The Right Reasons last week, you might already have read our buddy review for it! After receiving the eARC for Gallant late last week, of course I immediately had to pick that up as my next read. I’m also listening to the audiobook of Dragon Reborn.

I had to share the cover reveals for The Luminaries and The Ballad of Never After. Both are so pretty!!

Peaky Blinders is starting again, the sixth and final season. So I decided to rewatch the first 5 seasons and have all the details fresh in my mind. I’ve also started watching Vikings again, I have 1,5 season to go and want to watch Vikings Valhalla after that. Both brutal but amazing shows <3.

Next week I’ll be going to my first concert in two years so I’ve been listening to The Lumineers non-stop. I need to be able to sing a long to every single song haha, so of course I’m practising all day, every day!

And that was my Royal Update for this week! Do you have plans (or have you already done some fun stuff) after restrictions have been lifted almost everywhere? Or do you still have strict rules were you are in the world? Would love to hear from you in the comments down below!

One thought on “Royal Update #113

  1. I’m so jealous of the Gallant ARC, I signed up but didn’t get it lol. I read the Luminaries with my book club last year and I think mine had a different cover but I love that one! Also, I love the Lumineers 🙂

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