Bookish Item | Book Beginnings on Friday – This Is Our Story – Ashley Elston

Its been a while since our last Book Beginnings on Friday! But today seemed like a good day to do another one. This meme was created by Rose City Reader. The idea is to post the first sentence or so of the book you’re currently reading. After that you talk about your initial thoughts about the sentence, book or anything to do with that. I don’t know how often we will do this, but it seems like fun from time to time. Today’s book is This Is Our Story by Ashley Elston, so let’s take a look!

A ten-point buck and a dead body make the same sound when they hit the forest floor. It’s hard to believe a person could be mistaken for an animal, but it happens more than you know.

This book has been on my tbr for quite a while now, and I’ve owned a copy for over two years. The last three fall seasons I planned on reading this around Halloween but I failed every single time. I did have the book on my nightstand this last month just so I would get to it in time, but I failed again. And then this week I finally decided to just go for it and not wait another year!

As soon as I started reading I was hooked. At the start of the book a boy is killed by one of his best friends. We don’t know which of the four friends did it but we do get a couple of pages from one of their POV’s in between some of the other chapters. Our main character Kate works at the DA’s office after school and tries to figure out what exactly happened in the woods. This premise is something I am super interested in so I started with high hopes.

These first couple of sentences really set the tone for the story in my opinion, and I couldn’t stop reading! I’m a little over 1/3 of the way in at the moment and I was I could keep on reading until I’m done. Since this is a YA mystery thriller I’m expecting some good twists and turns. I already had one surprising reveal!

Hopefully I’ll have a review for you all soon. For now, I’d say don’t read the whole synopsis because I feel like it might give away a bit too much. I am really enjoying this book though and I will dive back in as soon as I’m done with this post! Have you heard of this book before? Or have you read it? Come talk to me in the comments!

6 thoughts on “Bookish Item | Book Beginnings on Friday – This Is Our Story – Ashley Elston

    1. Isn’t it funny how a first sentence can totally hook you!

  1. Ooh, I wanna know what you think? I swear I have all of Ashley Elston’s books on my TBR (for AGES) and still have not read any of them.

    1. I actually continued reading as soon as I wrote that blog post and didn’t stop until I finished it in the middle of the night haha! I really enjoyed it, you can expect my review soon!

    1. Thank you!! I actually shot it when I first got the book haha, but it was too good not to use it now 😉

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