As you all read last week, we went to see Jennifer L Armentrout on October 20th. Our blog post about that can be found here. Our morning that day started off at Paperpassion. A place for paper lovers, haha. If you want to read more about our morning at Paperpassion keep reading.
We had to take a little walk from the station to get where we needed to be. Neither one of us had actually looked up how far it was from the station, but we eventually found it, haha. We knew we were there when we saw this! We didn’t take a lot of pictures, because we were really enjoying ourselves, but the few we have will be posted in this article.
It was held in a big hall with a lot of little stands. There were also some options to do workshops at different stands. At the start you could get a map with all the stands and it had some discount coupons in it as well. There was also a rest place where you could buy drinks and some food or snacks.
I really enjoyed myself. There were a ton of stands and so much creative stuff. I could’ve spent so much money there, haha. I got some good stuff and am happy we went. The only thing that sucked was that a lot of the workshops were either full or a bit expensive. It was fun to see what everyone was making and what you could do with different materials. I didn’t even recognize some of the materials. If there is something like this again I will definitely visit again. For now I got some markers, a new bulletjournal and some stickers for my bulletjournal.
I completely agree with Candyce on everything, I really enjoyed myself but I’m happy this wasn’t the only thing we were doing that day. I don’t think the traveltime would be worth it, especially since we didn’t do any of the workshops. Like Candyce said, most of them were full and they were also pretty expensive. I would say you pay for the materials you use and that’s it, maybe a little extra. We just need to find another place where we can do a workshop brushlettering haha. Candyce and I are really two peas in a pod, I got the exact same tombow pens and the exact same bullet journal (both with a discount coupon, yeah), also some stickers and to be somewhat original I got two old maps. A Europe one and a North America one, I’m in love with them! Hope to find a spot in my room for them soon.
We got a goodiebag with our tickets and I was surprised by how heavy it was. As you can see it was quite full! Some stickers, scrapbook block, pencils, a couple of magazines and some other stuff. I don’t know how much of it I will actually use, but it’s really sweet that we got this!
Those goodiebags were so heavy!! I wasn’t expecting that at all, and was very happy with it. Especially the colouring pencils were a great item in that bag, but I was greatful for everything in it. It’s always fun to get a goodiebag and when its filled as well as this one it just makes my day haha.
All in all it was pretty fun. It’s not something that we could stay at the whole day, but it was definitely worth visiting! At least we both have stuff to use for our bulletjournals. We decided that we want to look into a class for brushlettering as well, so who knows maybe you will see a post about that in the future! We ended our day there with a funny picture.
Have you ever been to something like this? We would love to hear about it!
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