Review| Win Big – Kelly Jamieson

As I’ve said before, hockey is my favorite sport to read in romances. The Wynn Hockey series has been so much fun (Play to Win & In It to Win It). The third book, Win Big is the third book and is out in the world today! I was lucky to get an ARC and was so excited to read it! Today I want to tell you what I thought about this book.

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Review| In It To Win It – Kelly Jamieson

After reading Play to Win earlier this year, I knew the Wynn Hockey series would be one I’d need to continue to follw. The romance and writing was amazing and the added family drama made the first book very interesting. The sequel, In It To Win It, is now available as well. A big thanks to the publisher for providing me with an ARC to read and review!

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Review| Play to Win – Kelly Jamieson

Not too long ago, I read my first Kelly Jamieson novel and I really enjoyed it. When I heard she was writing a new series, I was excited. Today Play to Win, the first book in the Wynn Hockey series has been released! A big thanks to the author and publisher for providing me an ARC to read and review! Keep reading to find out what I thought of this new series.

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