Wishlist Wednesday| Most Anticipated July 2024 Releases

With a few days left in June it’s time to take a look at what books July is going to bring. Last month there were quite a few romance releases and it’ll be interested to see what we get next. Keep on reading to see our most anticipated July 2024 releases.

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Wishlist Wednesday| Most Anticipated Releases September 2023

We’re nearing the end of the month and that means it’s time to talk about the books releasing next month we’re interested in. September normally marks the beginning of a really busy bookish season with a lot of releases. So how many have caught our attention? Keep on reading for our most anticipated September releases!

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Wishlist Wednesday| Most Anticipated Releases April 2023

We’re in the last week of March already! How is this possible?!? That means it’s time to look at what books are releasing next month we’re looking forward to. Is April going to be a busy bookish month? Keep on reading about our most anticipated releases to find out!

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Wishlist Wednesday | Anticipated Releases July 2022

When this post comes online it’s a few days away from the start of July! Again, how is this year flying by so fast?!? This does mean that it’s time to start looking to see what new books will be releasing next month. Are there are a lot we’re looking forward to or are our wallets safe? Keep on reading to see what out anticipated July releases are!

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Wishlist Wednesday | Anticipated Releases April 2021

March 2020 felt like it took forever to be over, but this year it’s like we blinked and it’s just about over. It’s the end of the month and that means it’s time to start looking at new releases. What are our anticipated April releases? Will our bank accounts be angry? Keep on reading to see what books releasing next month that we want to read!

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Wishlist Wednesday | Anticipated Releases January 2021

We’re both scared about sitting down and actually writing this post. After a really small list in December, we both knew January would probably be the exact opposite. January is always filled with a ton of new book releases and that’s not always a good thing for our wallets, haha. Let’s take a look at our anticipated January releases.

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Wishlist Wednesday | Christmas Wishlist 2020 #2

Last week we shared our Christmas Wishlist that we made for each other. We love doing little boxes and Christmas is always a great opportunity to do something like this. Today we’re back with Christmas Wishlist #2. We both had to make more than one wishlist, so let’s see what else we asked for!

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Wishlist Wednesday| Anticipated Releases August 2020

We say this every month, but how are we already looking at August releases?!? This year is flying by and we can’t believe it’s almost already Fall. There are always new books every month and we’re hoping August won’t hurt our bank accounts too much, haha. Let’s take a look at our anticipated August 2020 releases!

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Wishlist Wednesday| Historical Fiction

We finished reading My Calamity Jane last weekend and that got us to thinking. Both of us really enjoy historical fiction, but don’t read enough of this genre. That’s something we want to change, so we decided to talk about some of the books we want to add to our collection. Keep on reading to see what historical fiction books we have on our wishlists!

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Wishlist Wednesday | Anticipated Releases May 2020

How are we already getting ready to talk about May? This year is flying by, but a lot is happening in the world lately. With everything going on, we had to take a close look at the books set to release soon, because quite a few have been delayed. As far as we know now, this is what’s coming. It could change, so let’s take a look at our anticipated May releases!

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