Wishlist Wednesday | Anticipated May Releases

Another month is just about over, which means it’s time to start looking into what releases we can expect next month. As usual we looked up what books look interesting to us and made our list of Anticipated May Releases!

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Wishlist Wednesday| 2018 Releases We Still Want to Get

This year is flying by, so we decided to look back on the last six months. Today’s Wishlist Wednesday is about 2018 releases we still want to get. There are plenty of releases that will be coming out the last six months of 2018, but you will see those in our anticipated releases posts!

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Wishlist Wednesday| Anticipated Releases July

June is almost over and once again it went by so quickly!! That means it’s time to check out the anticipated releases for July. So far every month this year has been packed with new releases. Time to see if July is going to continue this trend. What books are we looking forward to that will be releasing soon? As usual, if you click on the title of the book it will take you to the Goodreads page. Because we had so many posts yesterday already, you’re getting this Wishlist Wednesday on Thursday 😉

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