I have read every book in the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire and was always looking forward to the next instalment. But at some point I was getting less and less interested, as they weren’t as exciting to me anymore. I was still reading them but not right away and I wasn’t enjoying them as much. That’s why it took me so long to get to this one. But now I have read it, and I do want to share my thoughts with you all! So let’s jump in. Continue reading “Review | Mislaid in Parts Half-Known – Seanan McGuire”
Tag: Wayward Children
Can’t Wait Wednesday | Mislaid in Parts Half-Known – Seanan McGuire
We wanted to do another bookish meme on Wednesday and after doing Can’t Wait Wednesday a few times we decided that would be a fun one to bring around more often! About twice a month you’ll see this meme on our blog.
Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Continue reading “Can’t Wait Wednesday | Mislaid in Parts Half-Known – Seanan McGuire”
Review | Lost in the Moment and Found – Seanan McGuire
I can’t believe we’re already on book 8 of the Wayward Children series! This adventure started in 2016 (and for me it started in 2018) and it looks like it will keep going for at least 2 more years. I got an eARC of this January release and I can’t wait to share my thoughts with you. So let’s take a look!
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Review | Where The Drowned Girls Go – Seanan McGuire
I have been loving the Wayward Children books by Seanan McGuire for years now and I’m very excited for every upcoming release. So of course I was ecstatic to receive an eARC of the newest release through Netgalley. The last book was a bit of a disappointment so I was a little bit hesitant but decided to read the book right away anyway. And today I want to talk about my thought on Where the Drowned Girls Go. So let’s jump in!
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Review | Across the Green Grass Fields – Seanan McGuire
The Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire is one of my favorite series and every year the new installment is one of my most anticipated releases. This year even more so because we would travel to an equine world! It took me a while to write this review because I wasn’t completely sure how I felt about the story. Today I’ll try to relay my thoughts! So let’s jump in.
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Tag | Wayward Children Book Tag
I’m currently reading the newest Wayward Children book; Across the Green Grass Fields, and I thought it would be fitting to find a book tag that goes with the series. After a short search online I found an original tag over at Penelope the Paperback Cat‘s Youtube channel! It looks great, so let’s jump in! Continue reading “Tag | Wayward Children Book Tag”
Review | Come Tumbling Down – Seanan McGuire
I can’t believe I haven’t posted this review yet! The Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire is a favorite of mine and one of my most anticipated releases this year was Come Tumbling Down. I read it pretty soon after the release and today I will finally share my review with you all. Let’s jump right in. Continue reading “Review | Come Tumbling Down – Seanan McGuire”
Buddy Review | Beneath the Sugar Sky – Seanan McGuire
After reviewing Every Heart a Doorway (Isabelle’s Review & Candyce’s Review) and Down Among the Sticks and Bones, we’re back with the review for the next book. Beneath the Sugar Sky is the third book in the Wayward Children series. Once again, Seanan McGuire brings us an unique book. Keep on reading to find out what we thought of this one!
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Buddy Review | Down Among the Sticks and Bones – Seanan McGuire
We both read Every Heart a Doorway and loved this story and were both really excited to continue with this series. Down Among the Sticks and Bones was another interesting installment of this story and we can’t wait to talk about it. Keep on reading to see our review!
Continue reading “Buddy Review | Down Among the Sticks and Bones – Seanan McGuire”
Review| Every Heart a Doorway – Seanan McGuire
I’ve seen the Wayward Children books all over the place in the bookish community and thought the covers were stunning. For some reason, I never got around to picking them up, even though I wanted to. A friend of mine and the creator of the TBR & Beyond group set up a group read for this series. Every Heart a Doorway is the first book and I’m mad at myself for not picking up this book sooner! Isabelle already read and reviewed this, click here for her review.
Continue reading “Review| Every Heart a Doorway – Seanan McGuire”