Show Sunday | Shows I’m Currently Obsessed With

While I’m not watching that many TV shows at the moment, there are a couple I’m totally obsessed with (again). And I thought it would be fun to share those with you all! So let’s take a look at the shows I’m bingeing at the moment. Continue reading “Show Sunday | Shows I’m Currently Obsessed With”

TTT #334 | TV Shows That Would Have Made Amazing Books

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Movies/TV Shows That Would Have Made Amazing Books. I watch a lot of tv shows, but I have to say I usually hope books get turned into tv shows (or movies). So thinking about this the other way around is a bit weird. Interesting for sure, but also a bit weird haha. Let’s take a look and see which tv shows I picked! Continue reading “TTT #334 | TV Shows That Would Have Made Amazing Books”

Show Sunday | Shows On My To Watch List

I’ve been super busy and haven’t been able to watch that many shows lately. But I do have a couple on my to watch list I’m excited to read! So when I finally have some more free time, these are some of the shows I’ll be starting first. Let’s take a look! Continue reading “Show Sunday | Shows On My To Watch List”

Show Sunday | Shows I’ll Be Bingeing Soon

There are so many exciting releases and I have a lot of tv shows I want to binge soon. So I thought it would be fun to share that list. I can make this intro longer, but this is basically it haha. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Show Sunday | Shows I’ll Be Bingeing Soon”

Show Sunday | Favorite Shows of 2022

Of course I had to do a favorite shows of 2022 post. While I also haven’t watched that many shows compared to previous years, I do think I have more than enough to write this post haha. I will only include shows that have had a season this year. And like we did we our favorite books, I’m going to narrow it down to my top 10. It’s going to be hard, but I can do it haha. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Show Sunday | Favorite Shows of 2022”

Show Sunday | My Christmas To Watch List

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! I hope you have a couple of great days, filled with family, love, good food and overall goodness. We’re trying to take it easy this year and just enjoy time together as a family. But that does mean there’s some time to watch some movies or shows together. So I wanted to share what I would want to watch during Christmas, and what I may actually be watching when you’re reading this haha. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Show Sunday | My Christmas To Watch List”

Show Sunday | New Fall 2021 Shows I’m Interested In

As you probably know by now, I’m always on the lookout for new tv-shows. Usually I do some research way in advance but this year I was very behind haha. I’m super busy and have a ton of shows to catch up with. But I still have a list of new fall shows I would love to try. So today I want to share 10 of them. I won’t talk about them that much because this post would be way too long if I did.
Continue reading “Show Sunday | New Fall 2021 Shows I’m Interested In”

Show Sunday | Currently Watching #2

A little while I introduced Currently Watching. Sometimes I’m not watching anything I can talk about right away but there are a couple of shows I’m into and want to share some of my thoughts about. So in Currently Watching I’ll be talking about a couple of the shows I’m currently into. Let’s jump in!
Continue reading “Show Sunday | Currently Watching #2”

Show Sunday | Upcoming Shows On My Radar #1

There are a couple of interesting TV Shows that are coming out in the upcoming months. And I thought it would be fun to share them with you and tell a little bit about them. So hopefully I can get you hyped as well ;). Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Show Sunday | Upcoming Shows On My Radar #1”