Can’t Wait Wednesday | Only A Monster #3 – Vanessa Len

We wanted to do another bookish meme on Wednesday and after doing Can’t Wait Wednesday a few times we decided that would be a fun one to bring around more often! About twice a month you’ll see this meme on our blog.

Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Continue reading “Can’t Wait Wednesday | Only A Monster #3 – Vanessa Len”

5 On My TBR | Time

As we’ve mentioned before, one of our most important reading goals of is shrinking our physical TBR’s. Sometimes it’s hard to think of what books we still have or what subjects to read about. So we needed a way to keep track of this. 5 On My TBR is a way of keeping track. This is a meme hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. Every week there’s a different prompt for five on my TBR.

This week’s topic is time. I love stories about time travel so I’m going to try and pick 5 books from my TBR that are all about time travel. Let’s dive in! Continue reading “5 On My TBR | Time”

Review | Never A Hero – Vanessa Len

One of my favorite books of 2022 was Only A Monster. I got an eARC and was interested because of the title but didn’t expect it to be that great. And then the long wait began for the sequel! I was lucky enough to got an eARC again so today I can share my review with you all. Never a Hero releases at the end of August so this is the perfect time to preorder it ;). Let’s jump in!
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Buddy Review | Only a Monster – Vanessa Len

If you’ve been on any social media that has to do with books there’s a big chance you’ve heard about Only a Monster. This book releases on February 22nd, but we want to talk about this book today, because we were lucky and had the chance to read an e-arc! So keep on reading to find out more about this book and what we thought!

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5 On My TBR | Time Travel

We already try keeping track of our TBR in different ways, but it’s also fun to look at them in themes. That’s one of the reasons why the bookish meme 5 On My TBR is so much fun. This bookish meme is hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. This week’s prompt is time travel. This is one I do need to think about, because only one is really coming to mind. Let’s take a look!

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Review | The Psychology of Time Travel – Kate Mascarenhas

I read mostly YA and MG books but every now and then I also pick up an adult novel. The title of today’s book intrigued me right away and the synopsis sounded interesting as well. I was provided with a copy of The Psychology of Time Travel by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. Was my venture into adult fiction fruitful? Keep on reading to find out! Continue reading “Review | The Psychology of Time Travel – Kate Mascarenhas”

Review| The Exchange – M.F. Lorson

Earlier this year I reviewed the book Stage Kiss by M.F. Lorson and loved it! Now she is back with something completely new, The Exchange! A time travel book with a little bit of romance. Thanks to the author I received an ARC of this book that will be released on September 25th. To see what I thought of it, keep on reading!

Continue reading “Review| The Exchange – M.F. Lorson”