Blog Tour| Guest Post by Morgan G Farris

If you’ve been following the blog, you know I have loved The Promised One and The Purloined Prophecy by Morgan G. Farris. If you haven’t been following me, click on the titles to see my reviews, because you need to check out this series!

Today I am part of the blog tour for The Purloined Prophecy and have a guest post by Morgan G. Farris herself. She gives us a bit of behind the scenes look at what makes these books her books!

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Author Corner| Interview With Morgan G. Farris

Earlier today my review about The Promised One by Morgan G. Farris came online. After I read the book, I had some questions, so I decided to contact the author and see if she was interested in answering some questions. I sent her ten questions and these are her answers.

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Review| The Promised One – Morgan G. Farris

At the beginning of the year I was approached by Morgan and she asked if I wanted to read and review her book. After reading what it was about, I knew I had to give it a try. I’m happy I did, because I ended up loving this book and I can’t get the second one fast enough!

Continue reading “Review| The Promised One – Morgan G. Farris”