Bookish Item | Recommending Jennifer Lynn Barnes Books

With The Final Gambit coming out next week I wanted to recommend some of Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ older books as I love them dearly. I have been talking about this author non stop but I just can’t help myself haha. She has written some of my favorite books and I hope they can finally get the attention they deserve. Let’s take a look! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Recommending Jennifer Lynn Barnes Books”

How I Met My Book #12| The Naturals – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

We were looking for something to post on Sundays when we don’t have anything planned. Then I saw a post on Early Bookish Bird‘s blog and it seemed like the perfect fit. She started #howimetmybook so we’re alternating between #howimetmybook and Down the TBR hole on Sundays from now on! Today I will be posting about how I met The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

In this post we tell the story behind our books. The following questions will be answered: Where did we get the book? Why did we pick it up? What made us pick it up in the first place?

Continue reading “How I Met My Book #12| The Naturals – Jennifer Lynn Barnes”