Review| Wreck the Halls – Tessa Bailey

Even though I’ve been in Christmas mode for a few weeks, now that Thanksgiving is over I’m in full on Christmas mode. We decorated our house yesterday (the tree will be up in a couple of weeks) and I’m watching and reading holiday themed things.

One of my most recent holiday related read was Wreck the Halls! Tessa Bailey has written a few books I’ve loved this year, so I was really excited about this romance. Keep on reading to find out more about the book and what I thought!

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Review| Unfortunately Yours – Tessa Bailey

After loving Secretly Yours, I was really excited that we only had to wait a couple of months for the release of the second book in this duology. Unfortunately Yours released last month and I finally had time to sit down and read my eARC for this marriage of convenience romance! Keep on reading to find out more about this book and what I thought!

A big thank you to Avon and Netgalley for providing me with an eARC to read and review.

Continue reading “Review| Unfortunately Yours – Tessa Bailey”