Bookish Item | Ranking the Grishaverse Books

Thanks to the release of season 2 of Shadow and Bone I’m completely engulfed in the Grishaverse again haha. I reread Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom and I’m currently rereading King of Scars. The whole Grishaverse consists of amazing books and I thought I would make it hard on myself again and rank the Grishaverse books. I’m not including the novella’s or Language of Thorns and Live of Saints. Some I have read, others I haven’t and it just doesn’t feel like a fair comparison. So I’m sticking to the 7 main books. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Ranking the Grishaverse Books”

Show Sunday | Shows I’ll Be Bingeing Soon

There are so many exciting releases and I have a lot of tv shows I want to binge soon. So I thought it would be fun to share that list. I can make this intro longer, but this is basically it haha. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Show Sunday | Shows I’ll Be Bingeing Soon”

Tag | Grisha Adaptation Book Tag

Today I have a pretty small tag for you all. I came across this Grisha tag, and even though it’s basically a mini tag I couldn’t resist. As you hopefully know I love all things Grisha so I just had to go for it haha. I got this tag from the original creator Lauren from Laurensbookshelf. Let’s jump in! Continue reading “Tag | Grisha Adaptation Book Tag”

Show Sunday | Shadow and Bone

I don’t think there’s anyone who hasn’t heard about Netflix newest hitshow. Shadow and Bone aired April 23rd and while I tried to pace myself I did finish watching it in a day or two haha. Today I wanted to share my thoughts about the show with you all. So let’s jump in! Continue reading “Show Sunday | Shadow and Bone”

Tag | Shadow and Bone Netflix Tag

Just 15 days and Shadow and Bone is life!! I am so incredibly excited for this Netflix show and I can’t wait to see it all come to life. This is a tag I found on Youtube, it’s a bit different from the usual tags we do as it’s all about the Grishaverse and not just book questions in general. Let’s jump in!
Continue reading “Tag | Shadow and Bone Netflix Tag”

Buddy Review | Shadow and Bone – Leigh Bardugo

To prepare for the release of King of Scars, Isabelle thought it would be a good idea to reread the Grisha Verse trilogy. So we decided to dedicate a whole week on the blog to Grisha. We’re both excited to read the newest book in this world.

To start off our Grisha week, we’re sharing our review for Shadow and Bone, the first book in this trilogy!

Continue reading “Buddy Review | Shadow and Bone – Leigh Bardugo”