Bookish Item | Rereading Old Favorites

I have been rereading a LOT lately haha. And one of the things I have been rereading is some old favorites. I have been super curious to see if they would still be as enjoyable this time around. The series I was probably the most curious about was the Raised by Wolves series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I remembered it being the best werewolves series ever, would that still be the cases? So I got the audiobooks and last week I listened to all three books. Let’s see how I felt about them! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Rereading Old Favorites”

Bookish Item | Recommending Jennifer Lynn Barnes Books

With The Final Gambit coming out next week I wanted to recommend some of Jennifer Lynn Barnes’ older books as I love them dearly. I have been talking about this author non stop but I just can’t help myself haha. She has written some of my favorite books and I hope they can finally get the attention they deserve. Let’s take a look! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Recommending Jennifer Lynn Barnes Books”