5 On My TBR | Monsters Living Among Us

Tracking your TBR is pretty important when it’s quite large, haha. Besides Down the TBR Hole and my Netgalley Backlist we needed something to track my physical TBR. 5 On My TBR is a way of keeping track. This is a meme hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. Every week there’s a different prompt for five on my TBR.

This week’s topic is Monsters Living Among Us. I had to think about my interpretation of this topic. And I decided to go the murder mystery route, there are always monstrous people involved in those stories and the killer is usually a person you wouldn’t suspect as first. Let’s see which books I have on my TBR. Continue reading “5 On My TBR | Monsters Living Among Us”

Blog Tour | Chasing Starlight – Teri Bailey Black

Today is my stop for the blog tour of Chasing Starlight. This book was already on my radar so as soon as I saw the announcement for this tour I knew I wanted to participate. While the cover is not my thing at all, the synopsis sounded very interesting. I was one of the lucky participants in this tour and today I will tell you all about the book. So let’s jump in! Continue reading “Blog Tour | Chasing Starlight – Teri Bailey Black”

Review | This Is Our Story – Ashley Elston

I have been planning on reading this is our story for the last three Halloweens! After failing once again this year I decided to not wait until next year but to finally just go for it. It’s still fall and this is definitely a fall read. I’m very happy I finally picked this one up, so let me tell you all about it.  Continue reading “Review | This Is Our Story – Ashley Elston”

Review | The Turn Of The Key – Ruth Ware

October is the perfect month to read thrillers, so I decided I wanted to share a thriller review with you all today. Recently I listened to the audiobook off The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware. I listened to it in two days and only stopped in between because I had to be social for a couple of hours haha. Because it’s a thriller, I would recommend not reading the synopsis as they usually reveal a little bit too much in my opinion. Let’s get into it! Continue reading “Review | The Turn Of The Key – Ruth Ware”

Rating Report
5 Stars
4.5 Stars
Writing Style
4.5 Stars
Overall Enjoyment
5 Stars
5 Stars
Overall: 5 Stars

Bookish Item | YA Mystery/Thriller Recommendations

Fall is coming and during this lovely season I love to read mystery/thriller stories. Because I read both a lot of YA and Adult mystery/thrillers I figured I would just stick to YA mystery/thriller novels today. These aren’t all the YA mystery/thrillers I read but a couple of the ones I enjoyed the best. Most of them are contemporary but one or two might not be… Let’s get into it! Continue reading “Bookish Item | YA Mystery/Thriller Recommendations”

Review | The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle – Stuart Turton

I saw this beauty of a book in a couple of places and was really intrigued! The title, The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, sounds pretty ominous and the synopsis is quite interesting. When I came across it on Netgalley I requested it but totally forgot about it after not being accepted for a while. I grabbed it at the bookstore a couple of times, put it in my online basket but never actually ended up buying it since it’s an adult thriller and those hardcovers are expensive! Imagine my surprise, and delight(!), when all of a sudden I did get approved for a copy on Netgalley. I started reading immediately and here’s my review for you all. Enjoy reading! Continue reading “Review | The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle – Stuart Turton”