Review| Underwater – Anna B. Doe

It’s officially summer and what’s the perfect type of book to read? I’d say books about mermaids! Underwater looked like an amazing summer read with a beautiful cover. This book released yesterday, so is available to read now. A big thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC to read and review.

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Review| Rise of the Sea Witch – Stacey Rourke

A few years ago my aunt sent me The Gryphon series by Stacey Rourke. She was in Boston at the time and knew I loved books. She had these signed for me and sent them to me. I really enjoyed this series and when the chance came along to be a part of the blog tour for Entombed in Glass, I needed to read Rise of the Sea Witch first. My review for Entombed in Glass is scheduled for Thursday, so it was time for the review of the first book now.

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Review|Caught in the Current – Pauline Creeden

Not too long ago I posted my review about the book Salt and have finally had time to read the novella about one of the characters. I loved the world this author created and I really wanted some more information about this world. Caught in the Current definitely filled in some gaps!

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