Review| Nothing Like the Movies – Lynn Painter

Better than the Movies is one of my favorite YA contemporary books, and I’ve been anxiously awaiting its sequel. Nothing Like the Movies released on October 1st and today I want to tell you about this book and what I thought.

A big thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers for providing me with an eARC to read and  review. This affects my opinion in no way!

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Review| The Do-Over – Lynn Painter

Lynn Painter has made her way into my auto-buy/read author after I read Better Than the Movies and Mr. Wrong Number. So when I heard about The Do-Over I had to read it. I’m so thankful that I was able to get an e-arc from the publisher and read it early. The Do-Over releases on November 15th and believe me you want to read this book. Keep on reading to find out more about this book and what I thought!

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Review| Mr. Wrong Number – Lynn Painter

If you’ve been following the blog you know that I loved Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter. I’ve read it twice now, so when she announced her adult romance I was really excited. Mr. Wrong Number released in March and I finally sat down and devoured this book. Keep on reading to find out more about this book and what I thought!

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Bookish Beginnings On Friday| Mr. Wrong Number – Lynn Painter

There are a lot of books I’m excited about that I have ARCs of and I’ve decided to start doing Bookish Beginnings on Friday more often to promote these books I’m really excited about. Today I’m going to be starting off with Mr. Wrong Number by Lynn Painter.

This meme was created by Rose City Reader. The idea is to post the first sentence or so of the book you’re currently reading. After that you talk about your initial thoughts about the sentence, book or anything to do with that.

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Can’t Wait Wednesday | Mr. Wrong Number – Lynn Painter

We wanted to do another bookish meme on Wednesday and after doing Can’t Wait Wednesday a few times we decided that would be a fun one to bring around more often! About twice a month you’ll see this meme on our blog.

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

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Review| Better Than the Movies – Lynn Painter

If anyone is a fan of rom-coms it’s definitely me, so I think it’s safe to say that Better Than the Movies has been on my radar for awhile. So you can imagine how excited I was when the publisher contacted me to ask if I wanted an e-arc of this book. Of course, I said yes! Today I want to tell you about this book and what I thought. Keep on reading to find out more.

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Can’t Wait Wednesday | Better Than the Movies – Lynn Painter

We wanted to do another bookish meme on Wednesday and after doing Can’t Wait Wednesday a few times we decided that would be a fun one to bring around more often! About twice a month you’ll see this meme on our blog.

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

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