Review| The Gay Best Friend – Nicolas DiDomizio

It’s summer time, so what’s better than a book with a summer wedding? The Gay Best Friend was a book that caught my eye and I was excited when I got approved for an eARC on Netgalley. The book released on May 30th and today I want to tell you more about The Gay Best Friend and what I thought, so keep on reading to find out more!

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Bookish Beginnings On Friday| So This Is Ever After – F.T. Lukens

Like I said two weeks ago I have quite a few ARCs I’m excited about and that I want to promote a bit more doing Bookish Beginnings on Friday. Today I want to talk about So This Is Ever After by F.T. Lukens.

This meme was created by Rose City Reader. The idea is to post the first sentence or so of the book you’re currently reading. After that you talk about your initial thoughts about the sentence, book or anything to do with that. Continue reading “Bookish Beginnings On Friday| So This Is Ever After – F.T. Lukens”

Buddy Review | The Black Flamingo – Dean Atta

The Black Flamingo is a book we’ve been hearing a lot about and seeing everywhere. It’s a book both of us were really interested in. We found it on Storytel and listened to the audiobook. Today we want to share our thoughts on this book. Keep on reading to find out more!

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Wishlist Wednesday | Pride Edition

June is Pride month and we want to talk about the LGBT books we have on our wishlists. There are a lot of books both of us want on our shelves and to read, so this will only be a glimpse of the books we want. Keep on reading for our Wishlist Wednesday: Pride Edition!

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Review| Camp – L.C. Rosen

As a contemporary lover, I knew I needed to read Camp once I read about it releasing! Camp has been out in the world since Tuesday and just in time for the start of pride month! Believe me, you want to read this book and it’s the perfect summer read!

A big thank you to the author and Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for providing me with an e-arc on Netgalley to read and review.

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Review| We Used To Be Friends – Amy Spalding

We Used To Be Friends was released in January and it’s not one that I saw around a lot. Then I saw a couple of reviews and it sounded like a book I needed to read. I was happy to see if was available on Storytel and I listened to it last week when I was on the bus to work. Today I wanted to tell you what I thought. Let’s take a look!

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Wishlist Wednesday| Pride Month Books

June is Pride Month and that’s something we both support. Today it’s time for another Wishlist Wednesday, so we decided to show the Pride Month Books on our wishlist. If you want to see which ones we want to add to our collections, keep on reading!

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