Looking Back at Our Bookhauls | June 2023

It’s that time of the month again where we take a look at our bookhauls from a year ago. We add books to our collections, but the question remains: do we read what we buy? That’s why we decided to do a looking back at our bookhauls post every month. Today we’re looking back at our June 2023 bookhaul! Let’s take a look.

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Wishlist Wednesday | Most Anticipated June 2023 Releases

How are we already talking about June 2023? We keep saying this, but 2023 is really flying by. But a new month also means new books! So what are our most anticipated June releases? Keep on reading to find out!

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Bookish Item | June TBR

We’re nearing the end of May, so I’ve been starting to think about what I want to read in June. I have been mood reading and loving it lately, so I will mostly continue to do that. Here are some books I’ve been wanting to read. I don’t know how many I will end up reading, but I’m hoping at least a few.

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