How am I already sitting down to make my first 2025 TBR? It still seems insane that 2024 is just about over. There are still so many books I want to read and so many releasing in January that I definitely want to get my hands on. Let’s take a look at my January TBR!
Tag: January TBR
Bookish Item| January TBR
Today it’s time for my first TBR of 2024! In a few days it’ll be January, so I want to talk about the books I’m hoping to read. If you’re not new here, you know I don’t always complete my TBRs. I follow my mood or get distracted, haha. For now though, here are the books I’m hoping to read in January 2024!
Bookish Item| January TBR
With only a few days left in 2022, it’s time to start talking about my next TBR. January is going to be an overly ambitious month, but there’s a lot I want to read. So keep on reading for my January TBR plans!
Bookish Item| January TBR
It’s hard to believe when this post comes online that it’s going to be the last day of the year. 2021 went fast and slow at the same time. Today I want to talk about my January TBR. There are quite a few books I want to fit in next month, so it’ll be interesting to see what I end up reading. So keep on reading to see what I hope to read in January.
Bookish Item| January 2021 TBR
As I’ve mentioned a few times the past few months I’ve been in a really weird reading mood lately. To try and change this, I want to go back to a bit of mood reading. That being said, I still want to talk about my January TBR. I don’t know if I’ll read all of these, but these are the books that I’m looking forward to at the moment. Keep on reading to see my TBR!