Looking Back At Our Bookhauls | January 2021

Now that we’ve looked at our bookhaul and wrap up from last month it’s time for our favorite post of the month, haha. Looking back at bookhauls from last year. What books did we receive in January 2021? And more importantly, have we read them? This month we also have our 2020 Christmas Gift Exchange added to our haul. We do this post to see if we read what we buy and remind ourselves to read more of our own books. Let’s take a look at our January 2021 stats!

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Wishlist Wednesday | Anticipated Releases January 2021

We’re both scared about sitting down and actually writing this post. After a really small list in December, we both knew January would probably be the exact opposite. January is always filled with a ton of new book releases and that’s not always a good thing for our wallets, haha. Let’s take a look at our anticipated January releases.

Continue reading “Wishlist Wednesday | Anticipated Releases January 2021”