Buddy Review | The Cruel Prince – Holly Black

One of the most hyped books from the last two years is probably The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. We both owned the first book but didn’t pick it up right away. And then the hype grew and grew and grew, and we were sure there was no way this book would live up to the expectations we had by then. So we waited and we waited and we waited, haha. Last week Melanie from TBR and Beyond proposed to do a buddyread for the whole series with any members of the group who were interested. Of course we jumped on this opportunity and finally dived into this series. We tried to keep our expectations low so we wouldn’t be disappointed. Let’s see if it turned out to be a disappointment or a new favorite! Continue reading “Buddy Review | The Cruel Prince – Holly Black”

Buddy Review| Tithe – Holly Black

We saw that Faerieathon was being organized and were very curious. We’ve both wanted to read The Cruel Prince, so why not start from the beginning with the readathon? On top of that the new and improved The Modern Faerie Tales was released and it’s so pretty. So far Tithe is the only one we’ve gotten around to, so today we want to share our thoughts about this book!

Continue reading “Buddy Review| Tithe – Holly Black”

Series Review | Magisterium – Holly Black & Cassandra Clare

Today I wanted to do a little something different for my review. This week I read the last three books in the Magisterium series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare so I figured it would be a great moment to share my review for the complete series with you all. I’ve never done a series review before so let me know if you liked the format in the comments! Because I hope to do these more often in the future. For now, let’s get into it! Continue reading “Series Review | Magisterium – Holly Black & Cassandra Clare”