TTT #81 | Favorite Books Released In the Last Ten Years

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Favorite Books Released In the Last Ten Years with one bookpick for every year. You can imagine how incredibly hard this was to do! It was a lot of fun to see which books were released in those years, but I also realized how many favorites I had for most of the last ten years. Enough talk, let’s get into it! Continue reading “TTT #81 | Favorite Books Released In the Last Ten Years”

Bookish Item | Top 18 New Releases of 2018

Last week we shared our favorite backlist books we read this year. Today it’s time to talk about our top 18 2018 releases. We both read quite some books this year and that makes is hard to choose your favorites! But we managed to pick our top 18 new releases of 2018 so let’s get into it! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Top 18 New Releases of 2018”

Bookish Item | Top 18 Backlist Books of 2018

Last year we shared our favorite books of the year. And we separated it by backlist books and 2017 releases for both NA and YA books. This year we made different lists as well and today we’ll share our favorite backlist books we read. Because we both read over a 100 books (and Candyce even over 200!) we decided to do a top 18. This will be quite the long post so lets get into our top 18 backlist books of 2018! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Top 18 Backlist Books of 2018”

Bookish Item | YA Mystery/Thriller Recommendations

Fall is coming and during this lovely season I love to read mystery/thriller stories. Because I read both a lot of YA and Adult mystery/thrillers I figured I would just stick to YA mystery/thriller novels today. These aren’t all the YA mystery/thrillers I read but a couple of the ones I enjoyed the best. Most of them are contemporary but one or two might not be… Let’s get into it! Continue reading “Bookish Item | YA Mystery/Thriller Recommendations”

Bookish Item| Top 17 New Adult Books From 2017

This past year I’ve managed to read a good amount of books. I don’t only read young adult books, but a lot of new adult as well. If I were to combine these two while making a list of my favorite books this year, that would’ve been impossible so I decided to make a list of my favorite new adult books as well. Isabelle doesn’t read new adult, so it’s only a list from one of us.

Continue reading “Bookish Item| Top 17 New Adult Books From 2017”

Bookish Item| Top 10 Backlist Books We Read In 2017

We have read a lot of good books this year, so trying to make a Top 10 is a disaster. To make it a bit easier, we have divide the lists we are making. Today you read our Top 10 books published before 2017 – also known as backlist book. Tomorrow you guys get a list of our favorites that were published this year. Time to show you all some of our favorites.

Continue reading “Bookish Item| Top 10 Backlist Books We Read In 2017”