Happy Valentine’s! As you might know, I’m not the biggest romance reader. But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a good romantic (sub)plot. And I have some favorite tropes that hook me every single time. If you mention any of them in a synopsis, I am sure to add the book to my list right away haha. So let’s take a look at those tropes! Continue reading “Bookish Item | My Favorite Romance Tropes”
Tag: Enemies to Lovers
Five on My TBR | Enemies to Lovers
A couple of weeks ago we started doing the 5 On My TBR bookish meme and it was a lot of fun, so we want to bring this meme to the blog more regularly! This bookish meme is hosted by E from Local Bee Hunter’s Nook. This week’s prompt is Enemies to Lovers. So I took a look to see which books on my TBR have enemies that will turn lovers <3. Continue reading “Five on My TBR | Enemies to Lovers”
Review| Loathe Thy Neighbor – Teagan Hunter
Teagan Hunter has become a favorite author of mine when it comes to romantic comedies and books that make me laugh. She’s back with the start of a new series, Roommate Romps. The first book, Loathe Thy Neighbor, is now available and I had a chance to read and review this book. A big thanks to the author and Wildfire Marketing Solutions for providing me with an e-arc to read and review!
Continue reading “Review| Loathe Thy Neighbor – Teagan Hunter”
Review| Fighting Words – Taylor Danae Colbert
I’ve become a broken record when it comes to writing my reviews for this author. Taylor Danae Colbert has never written the same type of book twice and she hasn’t disappointed me yet! I’ve loved all of her books, so I was really excited when she announced her next book Fighting Words. This book released last week and I just have to share my love for it.
A big thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC to read and review. I’m a few days late with writing my review, but it just took me that long to put everything into words for my love of this book. Let’s take a look at what it’s all about!
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Blog Tour| Coming Up Roses – Staci Hart
Staci Hart is still a new to me author. Before Coming Up Roses, I had only read Well Suited. Both books have made realize that I need to read more by this author. But today is all about the newest release, Coming Up Roses. A big thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for providing me an ARC to read and review. Let’s take a look at what I thought about this book!
Cover Reveal| Diary of a Bad Boy – Meghan Quinn
Meghan Quinn writes great romance books and her next release, Diary of a Bad Boy, is set to release next month! Today is the cover reveal, so keep reading to take a look!
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Review| I Hate You, I Love You – Elizabeth Haley
Today is the release day of the book I Hate You, I Love You by Elizabeth Haley. There is a fine line between love and hate and that’s clear in this book. Thanks to the publisher and author, I received an ARC to read and review. If you want to know what I thought of this book, keep reading! I also have a little excerpt from I Hate You, I Love You to share with you!
Continue reading “Review| I Hate You, I Love You – Elizabeth Haley”
Excerpt Reveal| Dirty Headlines – L.J. Shen
I really enjoy Enemies to Lovers romances, so I know Dirty Headlines is going to be a good one! This book is one of my anticipated romances next month. Today I get to help give a little sneak peek. Keep reading if you want to read a little excerpt of Dirty Headlines!
Continue reading “Excerpt Reveal| Dirty Headlines – L.J. Shen”
Cover Reveal| Dirty Headlines – LJ Shen
This is a bit later than planned, but I didn’t get the kit until after I was in bed, haha. This cover has been highly anticipated in the romance world! Today I am helping share the cover reveal for Dirty Headlines by LJ Shen.
Cover Reveal| Fighting the Fire – Laura Kaye
I’ve never read anything by Laura Kaye, but a friend is a big fan. I have read about her books and they sound really good. That’s why I decided to help with this cover reveal! I may just start out with this one.
Continue reading “Cover Reveal| Fighting the Fire – Laura Kaye”