Bookish Item| Loki Comics I Want to Read

As you might know, I adore Loki. He’s by far my favorite Marvel character and I couldn’t be more excited that he got his own tv show. This week we got the fist episode and it reminded me I had a bunch of Loki comics saved on my Marvel Unlimited app to read. So let’s take a look at those! Continue reading “Bookish Item| Loki Comics I Want to Read”

Mini Reviews | Goldie Vance vol 1 – 3 – Hope Larson & Brittney Williams

Scribd gives out a free month long trial because of the worldwide quarantine. So of course I made use of that! I had a couple of graphic novels on my to read list I wanted to try through Scribd. As soon as I started my free trial, I picked up Goldie Vance. I believe there are currently 4 volumes but Scribd limits you and I wasn’t able to read the fourth volume. So today I want to talk about the first 3 volumes. Let’s dive in! Continue reading “Mini Reviews | Goldie Vance vol 1 – 3 – Hope Larson & Brittney Williams”

Mini Reviews | Comics Edition #10

Wow, I can’t believe this is the tenth edition of the comics mini reviews already! That means after today I have reviewed 30 comics for you all. I still feel very much like a comic newbie, but I like seeing I’m slowly reading more and more of them. Hopefully you all enjoy them too! For today I have a very new comic and two not so new ones haha. Let’s get into it quickly. Continue reading “Mini Reviews | Comics Edition #10”