Bookish Item| Did I Read My Most Anticipated Reads of 2019?

I’ve recently really started getting back into watching booktube videos. That’s when I stumbled upon a video from BooksandLaLa looking back at 6 years of anticipated releases. This got me thinking. Have I read my most anticipated reads? We do two Top Ten Tuesday posts each year looking at our most anticipated releases for the first and second half of the year. We started in 2019. So did I read my 2019 most anticipated releases? Keep on reading to find out?

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Bookish Item|Comfort Books

After reading other blogs this past week I saw a few people mention books they read that comfort them. I thought that would be something fun to post about. I will post a couple now that I love to read when I’m not feeling great or am having a bad day. Who knows, maybe I will post more posts about comfort books.

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Bookish Item| Reading Goals 2018

Wow, we can’t believe it’s almost the ends of 2017. With a little less than two weeks left in the year, we thought it was time to start thinking about our reading goals. What do we want to read next year? How much do we want to read? We may want to participate in some reading challenges. To see what we thought of, keep on reading.

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