Blog Tour| Blood Cure – K.A. Linde

Ever since reading the ending of the second book, I needed to get my hands on Blood Cure. Blood Cure is the last installment of this trilogy. I also read and reviewed the first two books: Blood Type and Blood Match. Click on the titles to read my reviews.

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Blog Tour| Blood Match – K.A. Linde

I was lucky to be able to read and review Blood Type awhile ago and that ended in a major cliffhanger! Since then I have been patiently waiting for Blood Match. It was time to see if K.A. Linde would be able to suck me right back in this story. Keep reading to find my review.

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Blog Tour| Blood Type – K.A. Linde

I have read books from K.A. Linde before and they were amazing romances with swoon-worthy bookboyfriends. After hearing about Blood Type, I was very curious. Could she pull off writing something with paranormal elements? I signed up for this blog tour and was happy to have receive a copy to review. If you want to know if the book met up to my expectations, continue reading!

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