Review | Recursion – Blake Crouch

As I’ve mentioned on the blog a couple of times, I joined my first in person book club. The first book I read for this club was Recursion by Blake Crouch. I’m not a big science fiction reader, but it is a genre I’m curious about and this book sounded very interesting. Keep on reading to find out what I thought!

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Review| Ice Planet Barbarians – Ruby Dixon

If you’ve been on TikTok or anywhere in the bookish community lately I’m sure you’ve seen Ice Planet Barbarians mentioned once or twice. All the hype had me really curious, so when TBR and Beyond created a WTF group read and this was the first book I decided to join. In all honesty, the new covers helped a lot as well. Keep on reading to find out more about this book and what I thought!

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Review| Contagion – Erin Bowman

I’ve said this recently, but lately the darker books with some twists and turns have really been my favorite. Contagion is a book I’ve had on my shelf for quite some time. A friend and I decided to pick it up as a buddy read. After reading it I really wonder why it took me so long to read this one. Keep on reading to find out more about Contagion and what I thought!

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Review| Aurora Rising – Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Aurora Rising has been a book on my radar since its release. I actually even had it on my shelf the day it released, haha. Except it took me a year to read (oops!), haha. Then again, after reading the ending, I’m happy I waited closer to release day. Let’s talk about what I thought about the first book in The Aurora Cycle!

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Review| Dev1at3 – Jay Kristoff

I read and reviewed Lifel1k3 quite some time ago, but didn’t take the time to read the sequel, Dev1at3. Before I started I did a reread of Lifel1k3 and then dived right into Dev1at3. All I can say before starting my review is saying that I’m very happy I decided to wait. After that ending, I need the third and final book. But first, let’s talk about Dev1at3!

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Review| Praying for Rain – B.B. Easton

B.B. Easton is an author I’ve heard about before, but have never read a book by her. When I heard about the release of Fighting for Rain, I became curious. Seeing how that was the second in the trilogy, I needed to read book one first. So today I want to tell you about Praying for Rain.

A big thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for providing me with a digital copy of the book to read and review!

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Review | To Be Taught, If Fortunate – Becky Chambers

As soon as I saw To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers on Netgalley I knew I had to read and review it. It’s only a novella, so it’s a short and fast read. I read it almost immediately but it took me quite a while to write a review. This is not a novella like any I’ve read before so I had to sort out my feelings first. And today it’s finally time to share those feelings and my thoughts about To Be Taught, If Fortunate with you all! Let’s dive in. Continue reading “Review | To Be Taught, If Fortunate – Becky Chambers”

Rating Report
3 Stars
4.5 Stars
Writing Style
5 Stars
Overall Enjoyment
4 Stars
4 Stars
Overall: 4 Stars

Blog Tour | Tarnished Are the Stars – Rosiee Thor

As soon I heard about this book I was intrigued! The cover for Tarnished Are the Stars definitely helped with that. So when I heard about the opportunity to be a part of the blog tour for this YA science-fiction story I grabbed my change. And today is my stop on the blog tour! So let’s dive in. Continue reading “Blog Tour | Tarnished Are the Stars – Rosiee Thor”