Bookish Item | Rereading Old Favorites

I have been rereading a LOT lately haha. And one of the things I have been rereading is some old favorites. I have been super curious to see if they would still be as enjoyable this time around. The series I was probably the most curious about was the Raised by Wolves series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I remembered it being the best werewolves series ever, would that still be the cases? So I got the audiobooks and last week I listened to all three books. Let’s see how I felt about them! Continue reading “Bookish Item | Rereading Old Favorites”

Review | The Final Gambit – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The final book in the series! I adored the first two books and actually preordered The Final Gambit. And I don’t preorder a lot of books anymore…. So I think that says a lot about my feelings on the whole series. I immediately started reading the book and now want to share my thoughts. So let’s jump in! Continue reading “Review | The Final Gambit – Jennifer Lynn Barnes”

Buddy Review| The Lovely and the Lost – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Both of us are big fans of Jennifer Lynn Barnes and have had The Lovely and the Lost on our shelves for way too long! So we decided it was time to pick this one up for a buddyread. Today we want to talk about this book and tell you what we thought. Keep on reading to find out more!

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Review | The Inheritance Games – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Candyce participated in the blogtour for The Inheritance Games a little while ago but I really wanted to share my thoughts as well. Jennifer Lynn Barnes is one of my favorite authors and I truly think she is underrated. Yes she has a extended backlist and a lot of people probably heard about her, but I don’t think nearly enough people actually read her books or in any case, not enough people talk about reading her books! So here’s my review on her newest book. Continue reading “Review | The Inheritance Games – Jennifer Lynn Barnes”

Blog Tour| The Inheritance Games – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Jennifer Lynn Barnes is an author I’ve really come to love (even if I do have a few books to catch up on…). The Inheritance Games is her newest book and I’ve been excited about it since the author announced it. Today is my spot on the blog tour hosted by The Write Reads. Keep on reading to find out what I thought about this book!

A big thanks to Penguin for providing me with an e-arc on Netgalley to read and review!

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Can’t Wait Wednesday | The Inheritance Games – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

We wanted to do another bookish meme on Wednesday and after doing Can’t Wait Wednesday a few times we decided that would be a fun one to bring around more often! About twice a month you’ll see this meme on our blog.

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

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Review | Deadly Little Scandals – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

One of my favorite reads of last year was Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Jennifer is one of my favorite and most read YA authors so as pretty soon after the sequel was released I picked it up. I love YA mysteries and I had high hopes for this one. So let’s see if it lived up to my expectations! Continue reading “Review | Deadly Little Scandals – Jennifer Lynn Barnes”