WWW Wednesday #58

It’s Wednesday, so time for a new WWW Wednesday to talk about my reading progress and plans. I really love these posts and talking more about what I’m reading before the monthly wrap up. Even if my reading plans change I like thinking about what I’m going to read!

So it’s time for my next WWW Wednesday. This is a weekly meme hosted by Taking On a World of Words and you participate by simply answering three questions:

  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What are you currently reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

What did you recently finish reading?

Next of Kin – Hannah Bonam-Young

After loving Out on a Limb last year, I was really excited about reading Next of Kin. Our main character Chloe learns that her birth mother unexpectedly had a baby and wants her to take custody. Her life flips upside down and things get difficult, but besides an amazing found family story, I loved the romance in this one. I even read Next of Kin in one sitting. I’ll be reading more by this author.

Swift and Saddled – Lyla Sage

Done and Dusted was a pleasant surprise to me in January, so of course I had to read the sequel. I loved Swift and Saddled just as much, if not a bit more. Ada and Wes really got the other to open up and I smiled a lot while reading this book. I also appreciated the author didn’t have an over the top third act breakup. I’ll be grabbing the third book in November when it releases.


What are you currently reading?

Threads That Bind – Kika Hatzopoulou

At the moment I’m buddyreading Threads That Bind. I’m loving this world and how threads work. The characters are interesting and I’m curious to see how this all plays out. There is still a lot to discover, so I can’t tell you too much about it yet.

Ready or Not – Cara Bastone

When this comes online, I’ll probably be done reading Ready or Not. Eve has a one night stand and ends up pregnant. We’re following her journey through the pregnancy. There’s found family and friends to lovers. I can’t help but smile a lot while reading this one. I may have predicted how this was going to play out, but in this case it doesn’t bug me at all. I’ll be reading more by Cara.


What do you think you’ll read next?

The Well of Ascension – Brandon Sanderson

I really enjoyed The Way of Kings and The Final Empire (when I read it a few years ago), so I’ve been thinking about catching up with the Cosmere World. If I read a book a month starting now I’ll be able to read the fifth Stormlight Archive book when it releases in December.

The Sword of Kaigen – M.L. Wang

The book for my in person book club this month is The Sword of Kaigen. I remember hearing a lot of amazing things about this 600+ pages book. It sounds interesting, but I’m kind of scared after my boyfriend and another friend struggled with it a bit.


So this is my WWW Wednesday post for this week! Have you read any amazing books recently? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.


3 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #58

  1. An interesting set of books. I like how you have planned out reading that series.

    600 plus pages is a lot. Anything past 400 for me is disregarded unless it is very eye catching. Hopefully if I ever get over baby brain I won’t be so intimidated and will read bigger books ???? I hope that you enjoy it when you read it.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

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