TTT #329| Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had

We have been having fun with Top Ten Tuesday, so we decided we will do one every week. This bookish meme was hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and has been going since June 2010! Since January 2018 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s topic is Bookish Superpowers I Wish I Had. I don’t know if I can think of ten, but let’s see how far I get!

The ability to read a book again for the first time

Sometimes you read a book and you just love it so much. There’s nothing like reading a book like that for the first time. It would be amazing to be able to erase your memory of that book and experience it all over again for the first time.

Being able to read faster

I think almost all readers wish they could do this. So many books, so little time is a saying I see a lot of readers use. Working, sleeping, and socializing take away a lot of reading time. There are so many books I want to read, so if I could speed through them a little more, I would be very grateful. That being said, I am happy with how fast I am able to read.

All books are floppy

For me there’s nothing better than a floppy paperback. They’re the best to hold and read. I have some hand issues and the floppy ones are the easiest for me to hold on to. Especially when the book is over 500 pages.

Bookcases with unlimited space

How cool would it be if every time your bookshelves were full, they magically had more space for the books you get and have to put somewhere. I’m grateful to still have some shelf space, but we have now added shelves to all of the places possible in our house. After this there’s no more room.

All books have sprayed/stenciled edges

These days we get some amazing sprayed/stenciled edges. I would love if all books got these. They really add something special to a book.


I’ve been sitting here for awhile trying to think of more bookish super powers I wish I had, but I can’t think of more than these five! So I got halfway there. What are some of the bookish superpowers you wish you had? I’d love to hear about yours, so tell me in the comments.

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