Yesterday we talked about our most anticipated releases for the first half of 2023. We decided to check to see if we read the books we were excited about. So today it’s time to look back at our most anticipated releases for the second half of 2023! Did we read them? Keep on reading to find out!
As you could see yesterday, I haven’t read many of my anticipated releases for the first half of the 2023, haha. So I’m kind of thinking that it’s not going to be any better for my most anticipated releases in the second half of 2023, but let’s take a look!
Fall of Ruin and Wrath – Jennifer L. Armentrout
Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of my favorite authors, but I’ve fallen a bit behind on her latest releases. That is one of my goals this year to catch up. Which means I’ll also be reading Fall of Ruin and Wrath. There is no news about the next book, so I won’t be missing too much yet.
It’s Not a Cult – Lauren Danhof
The concept of It’s Not a Cult is still one I’m really intrigued by. Our main character has to save her mom from a cult. I’m really surprised I haven’t read this one. I’ll probably say that a few more times in this post, haha.
The Hurricane Wars – Thea Guanzon
Currently Reading
As I’m writing this post, I’m about 100 pages into this story. The Hurricane Wars started off really strong for me and I’m so curious how it’ll continue. I love that weather plays a big part in magic and the war that’s going on. I really have no clue how this is going to play out!
Betting On You – Lynn Painter
Lynn Painter is another one of my favorite autobuy authors. Betting On You is another one I was really excited about and still am. I got my copy shortly after it released and I guess I’ve been saving it? This is something I do too often with books, haha. I should just read them when I get them.
The Scarlet Veil – Shelby Mahurin
The Scarlet Veil was pitched as a thrilling vampire romance. That sounds amazing, doesn’t it?!? Now I have to decide if I’m going to save this for closer to Halloween or squeeze it in the cold winter months.
Suddenly a Murder – Lauren Muñoz
How did I not already read Suddenly a Murder?I love that this is a 1920s themed party and a locked-room mystery. There really aren’t enough hours in the day for me to read everything I want.
Check & Mate – Ali Hazelwood
I haven’t read Check & Mate yet, but I did just receive it for Christmas. This is a book I’ve heard amazing things about and I have a feeling I’ll fly through it. Check & Mate will be on my February TBR.
My Roommate is a Vampire – Jenna Levine
I was lucky and received an eARC for My Roommate is a Vampire before it released and I read it prettty quickly. My Roommate is a Vampire was a fast and fun read. It was a little different than I expected, but it was enjoyable. I’ll definitely read the next book by this author.
Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date – Ashley Herring Blake
Like I said in the post about our anticipated releases, this trilogy stole my heart. I devoured and loved the first two books and was anxiously awaiting the release of Iris Kelly Doesn’t Date. I also got my favorite trope in this book: fake dating. Once again Ashley Herring Blake had me loving her characters. I’m sad this trilogy is over.
Bookshops & Bonedust – Travis Baldree
Out of all of the books on this list, I’m most surprised I haven’t read Bookshops & Bonedust. Legends & Lattes was such a cozy read that I loved, so I wanted more in this world. At the moment, I’m still debating if I want to do a reread before diving into Bookshops & Bonedust.
End Result:
Read: 2/10 – 20%
Currently reading: 1/10 – 10%
Unread: 7/10 – 70%
Yesterday wasn’t great if you look at the statistics haha, hopefully today is a bit better! Somehow I have some releases that were on both lists haha. I guess the release dates got moved up after my initial list. These are the first two books on this list, so I won’t go into detail with those two.
Never a Hero – Vanessa Len
Heartstopper vol. 5 – Alice Oseman
The Fragile Threads of Power – V.E. Schwab
One of my most anticipated releases of 2023! And one of my favorite 2023 reads. I adore V.E. Schwab and I love the Shades of Magic world. Since reading book 3 of the original trilogy I have been hoping for a spin off and it did not disappoint! I can’t wait for the sequel.
The Brothers Hawthorne – Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I did start reading this but I haven’t finshed it yet unfortunately. The original trilogy was wonderful and I did enjoy what I read so far but I put it down for a bit and haven’t picked it back up yet. I do really want to get back to it though!
After That Night – Karin Slaughter
One of my last reads of the year! I adore Karin Slaugther’s book and I’m so glad I’ve gotten back into reading them in the past year or so. With this one I’m all caught up in the Will Trent series and I can’t wait for the next one. These books are great and I can’t imagine getting bored with them.
The Ruined – Renée Ahdieh
This is the final book in the Beautiful series but I still have to read the third book. So unfortunately I haven’t read this one yet. I do want to continue the series but it isn’t a high priority anymore.
Sword Catcher – Cassandra Clare
While I do still want to read this it is a low priority. I haven’t seen any reviews for it but I also haven’t really looked for them. If I read it at some point great but I won’t mind if I don’t read it to be honest.
The Water Outlaws – S.L. Huang
I still want to read this one! It sounds so cool and I’ve seen some good reviews. I would love to read it in 2024 but it isn’t at the top of my priority list.
Every Exquisite Thing – Laura Steven
I have a physical copy of this one and really want to read it soon. It should be one of my 2024 books. I love Laura Steven and really need to read more of her books.
Saga vol. 11 – Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples
I need to pick up this volume! This is such a wonderful graphic novel series and I really want to read this next volume. Hopefully soon!
End Result:
Read: 3/10 – 30%
Unread: 7/10 – 70%
So here are our most anticipated releases of the second half of 2023 and if we read them. Have you read any of these? Or what books should we start first? Let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.