I officially moved into my new house in November and a lot of my house is absolutely perfect and exactly the way I want it to be. Except one thing haha. My bookshelves! It’s a pretty big undertaking and most of my books are still in boxes or in piles. So I thought it would be a fun project to take you all through. This is going to be multiple parts, today I want to show you all the current situation. So let’s jump in!
I used to have 3 big Billy bookshelves and 2 smaller ones. And then a ‘TBR cart’ from Ikea that was completely filled (and maybe a pile here or there haha). But I didn’t bring all the bookshelves with me so it’s going to be interesting to see how it will all fit. Like I said, at the moment a lot of my books are still in piles or in boxes so I have a lot of work left to do.
I did bring the newest Billy bookshelves I had, so 2 big ones and one smaller one. They’re all in my ‘hobby’ room and I want to make them look super pretty. Especially the one next to my gaming setup as I’ll be looking a lot at that one haha. My ‘TBR cart’ is also in this room but I might be using it for something else if I can fit all my books on my shelves.
In my bedroom I have some more space for books. There was a plan but it worked out very differently haha. I do really like how it ended up looking with the books like this. But of course those piles need to go and I might want to change up some of the books I have stored here. I like my manga and comics like this but other than that I think I want my favorites here. And maybe my ‘immediate tbr’. Even though I never make a TBR haha, but there are books I would like to read soonish ;).
Lastly I have a new bookcase in my living room. It matches the other furniture in the room and I love the look of it. Currently is has some of my pretty books on it and a lot of other random stuff haha. I do want this to have more pretty books so it looks nice in my living room. Maybe I’ll also put my non-fiction books here! But I guess I’ll have to see how that’ll look.
So this is my current setup! Pretty sad but also full of potential! What do you think about it? Any tips for how I should arrange the books? I used to have rainbow shelves but I’m not sure that’ll be doable here. So I would love to get some ideas! Let me know in the comments down below!